Financial Advice / Planning -- Lucky but ignorant


New member
Hey, just joined and looking for some advice. I feel pretty ignorant sometimes when it comes to finances. I landed a pretty nice job that has me living pretty comfortably and I've started to feel like I'm getting a little too comfortable and just am searching for some advice/guidance so that I don't screw it up long-term.

For context im a wfh software developer. I live in an apartment with my S/O and a dog. She is in a doctorate program working a Graduate Assistantship, making enough to cover utilities and her expenses (car/gas/lunch/nails/etc.).

Looking for any advice on what I could/should/shouldn't be doing.


Paycheck: $2190.33 bi-weekly / $4745.71 monthly

note: 6% 401k contribution w/ 15% uncapped employer match

my contribution: $191.54

employer match: $28.73

  • Rent: $1093
  • Utilities: (S/O covers)
  • Internet $104.99
  • Car: $235.02
  • Car Ins: $79.85
  • Gas: $120
  • Groceries: $300
  • Food (lunch / coffee / etc)[sup]1[/sup]: $300
  • Going out[sup]2[/sup]: $500
  • Fun: $160
  • Subscriptions: $138.04
    • openAI (4work): $20
    • github co-pilot (4work): $10
    • planet fitness: $23.06
    • Netflix: $9.99
    • fuboTV (non-negotiable for football season): $74.99
  • Student Loan[sup]3[/sup]: $320
  • Student Loan(PLUS)[sup]3[/sup]: $320
  • Savings: $500
TOTAL: $4170.90

Gives me a $574.81 buffer for whatever im lying to myself about w/ this budget. This will just add to / sit in my savings ideally...

[sup]1 FOOD[/sup] I work from home, getting out of the house for lunch is really the only time i get out of the house. Working on cutting this back, but feels worth it sometimes.

[sup]2 GOING OUT[/sup] S/O is often busy until late and I am EASILY convinced (by my own self) to eat out. Currently working on cutting this back but I wasnt going to BS the number

[sup]3 LOANS[/sup] I have roughly 67k in school loans. ~30k in my name w/ 4.5% rate ~37k in my parents' name (PLUS loan) w/ a similar rate. I feel obligated by guilt to pay back the parent loan because I'm doing well for myself and my parents really dont have the means to make the payment.

Loans in my name were in IDR before COVID so I have a year of $0 payments, though I plan to make my $320 payments anyway.


Anyway, like I said looking for any advice or guidance. If I'm being dumb I'd like to hear it so I can quit being dumb. I look at the numbers and feel safe, but I don't trust the feeling.
@miekka Work on paying down your student loan and building savings. $67K is a lot to tackle, but chip away at it must faster than you are now. Try for $1K per month. Even then, it'll be at least 6 years until it's paid off. Get your work to pay for the monthly subscriptions that are work related. Cut down on the "going out", "fun", and "lunch" budgets. You're paying almost as much for those things than you are for rent! Don't get me wrong, you need some budget for these things, but work on cutting the budget in half...and re-allocating those funds into your savings account or paying down the student loan. Just think, one issue with your car, and you're now talking about credit card debt...time to build a larger savings account to avoid getting into credit card debt.

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