Filing Taxes b/c of Roth IRA?


New member
Hi there!

I'm hoping to make full contributions to my ROTH IRA for the 2023 year. I made under $13,000 so I was not planning of doing any tax return stuff (I have no idea where I would even start to do that).

But do I need to file taxes or anything considering I'm doing a ROTH IRA? Probably a silly question I know, I'm a student working part time in college, just trying to figure this stuff out.

@elissia You can only contribute what you earned as income or a maximum of $7000 in 2023 to a Roth IRA.

If you earned $6000 you can contribute $6000.

You should file taxes if you paid Federal Income Tax or State Income Tax to get it back as a refund.

If you do your taxes, you do not do anything about the Roth. It is only with a traditional that you do something to claim the tax deferred for a traditional IRA.

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