Fighting AirBnB For a Refund Part 2


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So we still haven't received a full refund from Airbnb. Partial refund has been received (with no conditions attached i.e. not full and final settlement). Reason for denying us has been that the 'listing location' was not affected by Extenuating Circumstance.

Currently in the process of doing a chargeback via my credit card.

We have also requested the hosts' and Airbnb's details for a claim via the Disputes Tribunal in the event we are not successful with the chargeback . They won't provide us with any details - full email response is at the bottom of this post.

To me it seems like blatant disregard for legality?

Apparently we have entered a contract with the host(s) whose Address and Legal Name Airbnb won't provide to us. I actually know who the husband is (part owner of a Wellington based Real Estate Agency) and so I guess we could put down his real estate agency office if they don't respond (nothing but silence from the hosts thus far). Also, under Airbnb's T&Cs I believe we have the right to pursue them in Small Claims Court/Disputes Tribunal?

As an individual consumer, you may bring any judicial proceedings relating to these Terms before the competent court of your place of residence or the competent court of Airbnb's place of business in Ireland.

So at this point I am thinking: Given their conduct, this company should be prevented from operating in New Zealand. How should I go about instigating this? Contact my local MP, the media, Commerce Commission or some other method?

Hello x,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

Upholding the policies and standards that protect our community is very important to us. We’ve given your case and its details careful consideration and we determined that we can't any information about our Host and Airbnb as well.

We understand that this might not be what you’d hoped for, but we came to this outcome because due to privacy protection and policy that we have.

Our review is complete now, and we won’t be able to offer additional support on this case at this time.

If you’d like to provide feedback on Airbnb’s policies or your experience, you can do so any time at:
@romeohoy It doesn’t seem to be just a question of legality to me. There’s a hugely moral element which is they (host and airbnb) were expecting you to risk your life to complete the agreement.
I get there’s always a level of risk in travel but this was a state of emergency and there was clear guidance that these were life threatening conditions. I can’t believe they want to just make it about interpretations of wording.
And it seems pretty obvious that “government or local declared emergency” is exactly what this was.

Not to rub salt but we had a booking up north that weekend and were travelling from Auckland. We cancelled and host was super understanding. Ended up going the following weekend and getting an extra day in (we paid). Basically a win for everyone - host got more money, we had flexibility and more time, abnb got more commission. Just because the host respected the situation.

Edit: typo
Apparently we have entered a contract with the host(s) whose Address and Legal Name Airbnb won't provide to us. I actually know who the husband is (part owner of a Wellington based Real Estate Agency)

You should be able to find his home address on the Companies Register in that case. Also you can obtain ownership information for any address using Terranet.
@romeohoy We had a dispute with Airbnb ages ago bc even though it was a .co.Nz site and only used a dollar sign on the rates it charged us in USD instead of NZD. They originally weren’t going to do anything and said since they were a US company we should have know it defaulted to USD unless we went and updated a setting in a fairly hidden spot on the page. Which if we had used their .com site I could agree with but given it was it felt scummy and we pushed them on it. They eventually refunded us the difference, and now the site either defaults to NZD or it always shows the currency type next to the amounts at least.

We laid a claim with the commerce commission and they followed up recently bc there were multiple similar issues reported and Airbnb was trying to get individuals details. We declined letting them give our details though as we worried it was to be retaliatory given other stories we’ve heard.
@romeohoy If AirBnb won’t provide the hosts details for the disputes tribunal, and the chargeback fails, worth a shot to take AirBnb themselves to the disputes tribunal?

AirBnb are operating a marketplace, but they are intentionally preventing you from filing a dispute against the correct target by keeping their identity secret.
@romeohoy AirBnb operates here through their Australian entity afaik. Which is a pain because the you probably can’t take them to the disputes tribunal.

You can find the property owners details yourself, this information is available for a small fee.
@resjudicata In progress at the moment, I am preparing for the possibility of that not being successful. Airbnb apparently ban you for chargebacks so trying to get details for Disputes Tribunal before they start completely ignoring us
@romeohoy Take the partial refund and move on. You chose to use shit tier Air BnB.

It's not the hosts problem you were based in Auckland, the $770 refund is more than fair.

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