Fellow millennials, how are u guys doing economically nowadays?

@angela1963 No one said about going back. I don't know the exact words and who said it but the gist of it was that the more we strive to innovate and raise the quality of our lives the more we essentially make our lives harder and more complicated. And this can be applied to the internet as well. As a millennial I cannot imagine living without google and internet as a day to day tool however it really depends on who is using it and how they r using it. What comes as an advantage might actually be a disadvantage and vice versa.
@be4christ It is hard to make it big in Philippines. Not because of money but because of extreme toxicity.

Filipinos have a backward mindset towards fixing problems. Most would rather invite problems as they crave the drama and attention is brings.

Sick? Go see the doctor. Don't bother changing diet and lifestyle. Financial? Look for excuses to continue social climbing.

Westerners complain about life being difficult but they do not know what it takes to make it here.

Life will get harder for Filipinos as it will be for other asians.
@sayre I completely agree with pinoy's great propensity to openly invite unnecessary problems. This is something I immediately noticed when I first set foot as part of the working class. Although I have to say, most of them are prolly oblivious about them doing it. Some r like this while some can only gain value if they bring someone down.

Have u seen Netflix's Beef? I love this show because it perfectly captures the millennials' hustle and grind phase and the rock bottom as trampoline hustle.
@be4christ No. I stopped watching movies and videos. Too time consuming. I read books and write to help with my skills.

Most movies nowadays have shallow plot lines it's predictable.
@sayre Gotta watch some r/blackmirror episodes or Severance on r/AppleTV. You’re missing out thinking almost everything is shallow. Hahaha!
@lilyanna Yes black mirror is one of the few because is based on what's happening now.

Still i would rather read than watch any screen adaptation. That's how I learn the craft.
@sayre Missing a lot bro. My approach is if it's very popular that targets the general consumer then it's prolly a cash grab. But there r those shows tlga na excellently written and captures the essence of life. I call it uncharted territories. But then Meron shows like beef wherein it's popular because it's sooo good.
@be4christ Most ideas are just recycled. You just wait for 2 generations to forget then reintroduce the idea so it can sell again.

Example of this is music.
@be4christ Pansin ko karamihan ng nagcomment wala pang anak. I'm 29 with wife and 2 kids. Same sa karamihan galing din sa underprivileged family na kung wala tulong ng kamag anak hindi makakatapos ng pag aaral.

25 ako when I have my first born, not sure if I was ready then, pero nabuntis ko na gf ko so need panindigan. I have few investment sa stocks and crypto back then (22-23 nung nag start ako) but have to sell all para May downpayment sa condo.

It was scary nun nag umpisa kami ni wife kasi parehas lang kaming office workers na parang sakto lang yung monthly to pay for all the bills. But thankfully life has been good to us. I had the opportunity to work abroad for two years before pandemic. And basically leverage that experience to have higher salary dito sa Pinas.

I'm with my family now and earning decently since si wife May work din naman so nakaipon na din unti unti. Nakabili ng motor, kotse, napagawa na parents' house sa province and patapos ng bayaran yung condo in 3 years.

Hopefully I can retire na in my mid 30's. If maging profitable yung townhouse business ko.

I have this talk with my wife na baka biggest regret of this generation is deciding to have babies late. She doesn't agree with me on this. But based on my personal experience there are still benefits to start families in 20s. There will be struggle pero kaya naman. Specially yung extra power ng pagiging parent na you will conquer anything to give your kids the best.
@be4christ 28 years old invested in 2 condos . have 1 car . I have 1 gym .
right now I am currently a 4th year student. about to graduate.

My cash though is almost 0 at the end of the month due to amortization.

Just trying to survive. Hopefully, Once I finally graduate, I can increase my source of income
@be4christ EF done, no sizeable investment yet.

8yrs ko na gusto bumili ng bigbike. pero til now, i still use my dad's suv. (OFW tatay ko so I have his car for months on end).

Di makapag propose kay SO kasi di pa confident sa finances. lol

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