Fees on UBS Vitainvest compared to VIAC or finpension


New member
Hi all,

I was reading around how to maximise my retirement savings from pillar 3a and it seems that there is a consensus among the experts (I am a noob) that the best you can do is go to VIAC or finpension because they have the lowest fees compared for example to what UBS offers, and that this makes a big difference long term.

So I was planning to move my 3a money out of UBS Vitainvest - Passive 75 Sustainable Q-dist and transfer it to another place. But while checking the fees that UBS declares I found that they are charging me a TER p.a. of only 0.26% which seems very low compared to what the articles I read around are mentioning.

What am I missing? Is it still worth it for me to move to VIAC or finpension or should I stay with what I have in UBS?
@photon A few weeks ago I did the same. I transfered a 3a from UBS to finpension although I'm also a viac customer.

In short: the advanatge of finpension over viac is that you can setup a custom stratgey without 40% CH home bias. With viac you are forrced to have 40% in CHF.

However, if you're going to pick a non-custom strategy from finpension or viac then it doesn't really matter. Both are good 3a service providers in my opinion.
@happythieves Thanks. I'll definitely look into making the same move.
But first I have to verify if there's any string attached between my UBS 3a and the mortgage I have with them... You know, maybe related to the monthly/yearly fees "Kontoführungsspesen"?!
@p4z Definitely not made up. but the performance does suffer due to the ridiculous fees. Also, there are retrocessions with all passive vitainvest funds. having a 3a at UBS is like pouring water into a cup with no bottom.

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