@pat4jesus Tbh I'm not sure the story is good enough on all those stocks. Do more research, find companys you like and invest. In my country the average ROI on penny stocks and IPOs is negative 50%. Not sure about US on that one. And the 10k into savings, why not buy bonds? Yoy can get US bonds above 5% p.a. now with a six month maturity. That is really good.

Id suggest that you do some research into the companies that you want to buy. If yoy don’t want to spend a lot of time on stocks, 2-3 companies is probably enough. Three ETFs is probably enough as well. Amazon is likely to do well no mater what. Bonds are allways good investments.

I'd go like this if I was gonna buy and forget.
10k into S&P500 ETF
10k into global ETF
10k into emerging markets ETF. Actually that tech ETF looks interesting here
10k amazon
10k nvidia
10k bonds

If you wanna go more agressive you should do more research. You don’twant to get too diversified either. Avoid buying stocks based on their prices or rumors. Buy companies because they have good products, brands and good books, or because they have good potential. A stocks price in the short term is almost allways based on pschology. In the long term it is affected buy how good the company is.
@jayjaynp the halving is expected to happen on march 29th, perhaps a day or two before/later

these things get priced in mostly a month or a few weeks before they happen, but we could see a positive price action after the halving as well

in case you don't know what a halving is, each block of Bitcoin mined gives out 6.25 btc, that will drop to 3.125, making BTC more scarce and lowering the sell pressure from miners
@malina22 I know how the halving and generation works, I always failed to understand the correlation with price action.

Scarcity or less availability would only make price rise up if demand would stay strong but considering bitcoin never got a "currency role" status and has mostly been a speculative asset there's no way to say that'll be still the case next year. I mean at some point someone will make the observation the Emperor is naked.
@pat4jesus I think it's stupid to invest in both ETF and singular stocks at the same time. It's live investing two times on the same company but if the company fails you lose half the money. I would move ALL to ETFs.

And also, forget crypto. It's not an investment, it's not a solid choice, it's not a reasonable choice and it's not a smart choice. If you want the long term, put everything in ETFs.

And talking about ETFs, consider investing in VWCE (which is the global stock market) and S&P 500. You would have much better results in the long term if you invested in just those two ETFs, in my opinion
@pat4jesus Too US heavy, I suggest choosing one US ETF then going world wide with one and going EU with one, and maybe have some bonds in addition to the stocks.

The savings account is good for risk mitigation, but I'd personally put more in similar risk profile, such as bonds.
@pat4jesus Why would you tag the big US companies 3 times? If anything i would significantly lower tthe exposure to the US market, and throw in some Whole World stuff or EU+Developing countries duo.

Also, investing into singular stovks, with no risk model, hedging, fair value estimates, price targets, value models, and growth models is just literaly gambling the same as sports betting. Which is fine if you enjoy it, but i dont think thats your intention.
I live in a country with zero capital gain tax (on stocks), only dividends are taxed. Gains from most accumulating ETFs are also taxed

How do they specifically tax accumulation? Are gains from ETF not considered capital gain?
@pat4jesus If you don't care about losing money you'll be golden in fifty years. If you need the money nothing's free in life but you are European so keep an eye on the ev market as you can see when investing sentiment will swing for it much easier than in a dirt mill like my country. And then report back please and I'll drop you soem more hints. One being buy cazoo cheap next trading day and watch it float to dive. That's a European stock.

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