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I only buy certain things when they are on sale and I feel like i hit the jackpot this week for food. Actually walked out with 4 full bags for $60.(which with food prices is pretty good these days. So sad)

BUT, The last 3 days I've eaten so much and so good, thanks to half off and sales. It IS possible to be poor and still eat good sometimes.

Bought a frozen chicken parmesan on sale for $8.30, a bag of broccoli slaw half off for $2. A fruit tray half off for $7. A box of chocolate ice cream bars for $3. A pizza for $4.50, and a box of chips ahoy(first time trying it, its SO GOOD!) for $2.50,& almond milk for $2. The chicken parm and salad(added carrots and Swiss chard and lettuce from the food bank) lasted me 2 days while snacking on ice cream bars and chips ahoy. Today is pizza, Salad and fruit tray while still snacking on the cereal. And I drank 2 L of orange juice (got 2 for $2) and continous cups of tea(the bag cost me $1/used half and get 4 pots of tea for $.50 Plus I'll have leftovers of fruit,pizza,cereal and salad so i have lunch for work for tomorrow, so 4 days of yummy, filling, mostly healthy good selection of foodies for $33.50. Watching out and only buying certain things on sale, a single person can eat healthy and have a good selection of tastes for $60/wk if done right( which a yr or 2 a go it would be $30 a wk but YAY "inflation" Eating like this translates to $8/day. And i rarely ever eat out. You don't always have to eat Ramen and peanut butter sandwiches if your poor.. Just keep your eyes out for sales and It IS doable on a low budget to eat healthy and good sometimes. And theres no shame in going to a food bank if help is needed. Mine thankfully gives a Real good selection(fresh veggies,meat and sometimes cheese and eggs) and that usually feeds me for2-3 days/wk and they are once a wk except one wk a month so i can feed myself for like $40/wk. I'm working poor but still eat like a queen for cheap.

If you do have to eat Ramen, throw In a can of corn or beans, or shredded carrot or a fried egg. Make it actually have some nutrients with other food that doesn't cost much or might be able to get at your local food bank. Good luck on eating well!
@chucko10af My mother is a ninja at this. She has a routine where she goes to different stores on specific days for produce, meats, etc. She has the sales timed like a clock watch. That woman can turn a dime into a dollar, it amazes me.
@chucko10af Good on you! I’m single and have learned to eat good on little money. Meat on clearance, sales bogo, and fruit and vegetables marked down keep me well fed. It’s definitely possible and kinda fun
@chucko10af I am so happy for you and this really is such a great accomplishment. You have hope not just for yourself. But are giving hope to a so many others out there!

Making a shopping list and being mindful about what you are buying before you go grocery shopping is an excellent way to save money! 95% of the purchasing decisions we make are subconscious! When you are mindful, you are aware, and when you are aware, you engage in positive spending habits.

One such habit may be to coupon or at least look at specials that a grocery store may be having. Grocery stores sometimes have “loss leaders,” or in other words deals too good to be true, in order to attract more customers. Try to shop accordingly.

Also, there are now apps that automatically coupon for you if you know what you want to buy ahead of time and you know where you plan to shop! Furthermore, you get money back every time you scan and virtually submit a receipt. It may not sound like much but every little thing adds up.

One last trick is to avoid the middle aisles of the store. Produce, meats, dairy, and Whole Foods are generally found on the outskirts and processed, marked-up food on the “inskirts.”

Hope this helps!

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