
New member
hey guys, i was watching a ben felix video and saw this portfolio. i haven't done any due diligence on which ETF are EU available, but i'm no here for that.

he was explaining a "model" of ETF portfolio based on factors as he called them.

can someone explain to me what this is? i know it's not new, i've seen it pop up here and there. just curious.

here is a picture from the video

ishares core s&p/TSX Capped composite 30%

vanguard us total market 30%

avantis us small cap 10%

ishares core msci eafe imi 16%

avantis international small cap value 6%

ishares core msci emerging markets imi index 8%

he shows a TER of 0.17% (factor tilted) and 0.11% (benchmark)

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