Event Ticket Insurance Claim


New member
I bought my mom 6 tickets to the nutcracker ballet for her birthday. The event is coming up and a bunch of the people she would invite are bailing because they are sick with a common cold. I thought this wouldn’t be an issue because I purchased insurance on the tickets. When I went to file a claim they stated I need to provide a Dr’s note as documentation. I’m not sick and I’m not trying to ask my moms friends to go to the dr over a common cold. Any advice on how I can work around this?
@niederwaldflash The folks that are sick have to provide a doctor's note. That's what the insurer wants. Any "hack" that's not that is likely going to be considered fraud. Don't do that. It's illegal.
@niederwaldflash Jesus. Fine. Forge some doctors' notes and see how that goes for you, numbskull. Otherwise ask the insurer if there is anything else that they'll accept.

This isn't difficult, and if you want your money back, they told you what they need. That you don't want to jump through those hoops isn't anyone else's problem but your own.

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