European Early Retirement Guide - A call to action


New member
Hi European Personal Finance community,

I'm crossposting this from r/EuropeFIRE

I know this might seem self promotion, but I hope you see value and beauty in my project.

I want to launch a European Early Retirement Guide.

I think there's a strong demand for collecting information about Early Retirement in European countries.

I need your help, in the form of "I live(d)/work(ed)/study(ed)/retired in country X (and Y, and Z) and I can tell you something about it".

The project is still in brainstorming phase, more info please PM me.
@kelly1290 very interested of course. I know its much to ask but it would be extra interesting to see it all in English. That way people could compare without language knowledge which country is easiest to RE.
@kelly1290 I'm definitely interested in this.

I lived and studied in Germany and I can tell you something about it.

I live and work in Spain (several cities) and I can tell you something about it.

Edit: Also would like the pm with the blog post and further info

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