ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

@ugojesus In CHF, accumulating, I don't know any others. But honestly, I was once in the same dilema as you: it is better to choose VT because the product which I wrote the ISIN is based on Ireland and as others stated, you lose a part of the dividends.
@jjmaleyscw Let’s say there are two ETFs that track only Apple. One in CHF, one in USD. You put an equal amount of money into both. Now if Apple goes up in value (it’s a US stock, so it goes up in USD), both ETFs will go up with the same amount in “value”.

If at the same time the USD lost 5% against the CHF, then the ETF denominated in CHF will only go up 5% whereas the other ETF denominated in USD will go up 10%. But, if you transfer the USD back to CHF, you have the same amount

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