@zainonechia Can self contribute but that contribution will be disbursed accordingly to account 1, 2 and 3. So if you self contribute 1000, 750 will go to account 1, 150 will go to account 2 and 100 will go to account 3. Cannot just contribute to account 3 sadly
@zainonechia I don’t think KWSP will ever be so stupid/generous to offer that. Not even banks give such flexibility of going in and out while providing 5.5% on average. Everyone will abuse Acc3 to the max
@eeevie Members can transfer their savings as follows:
i. Akaun Fleksibel to Akaun Sejahtera
i. Akaun Fleksibel to Akaun Persaraan
iii. Akaun Sejahtera to Akaun Persaraan

Savings can only be transferred in one direction and cannot be reversed back into the original account. There is no limit on the amount that can be transferred between accounts.

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