@tyronasmith lets say im not transferring any fund to acc3, in the future my epf contribution will still be divided to 75-15-10 right? but my question is the interest calculation. will it benefit more to have more in acc 2 instead of acc 3 or it doesnt matter? If the interest is the same, i might transfer more money to acc 3. if its less, then i just wont make the transfer
@eeevie Nope ain't touching it at all. Epf is considered my retirement fund and it's pretty much free dividend every year. The more I take out the more I lose to gain for retirement so I choose not to.
@nc6041 No one is asking you to take out.

You can move it to the account 3 and then pretend you’ve done nothing, don’t touch the money until you retire. Same shit.

The only flexibility here is that account 3 is there for you if somehow some way you need an injection of cash without being ripped off by interest from a bank loan or going to ah long.

So all you need is discipline.

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