Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

@boxnes Climate change is a movement. There's no single, central person or entity behind it. It's a collective of different groups using it to push their own interests.

It started from fringe scientists, where their findings are demanding more funding to keep their employment and relevancy going.

World leaders have also jumped on board, while living in mansions and flying around the world on private jets, purchasing coastline properties (I thought they were going underwater?)

Governments use climate change as a reason to increase taxes.

You have vegans jumping on board to push their ideology. Save the planet by going vegan! Eat bugs and plants! It's the only way!

You have the watermelons using the movement to push socialism. Yes, we allmust become socialist to save the planet, it's the only way!

You have elites and top 1%ers using it to control the serfs, such as the dystopian visions from the world economic forum. You will own nothing and you will be happy.

You have looney acolytes yelling in the streets, gluing themselves to the road.

Oil, coal and gas are the cheapest sources of energy for now. They might be massive, corrupt and greedy cartels, but they are still the most reliable and affordable sources of energy. If they weren't, than India
and China, as well as other emerging economies would be reducing their demand, not increasing it.

Renewable energy is cheap for the first 20% of evergy demand, but after that it becomes irrationally too expensive and we still need a baseload energy supply or we will face constant shortages and blackouts. Batteries and nuclear are storage and reliable baseload alternatives, but batteries are expensive and wasteful, and nuclearphobes won't touch it.

Children in our schools such as OP are getting indoctrinated that the world is ending, and it's giving them mass fear, anxiety and compliance and wilingness to do anything to prevent it. The teachers are saying it, so it must be true, the all knowing teachers! Yes, fund more research, increase our taxes, eat bugs, become vegan, become socialist, live poor in the dark, it's the only way to save the planet!
@aned Basically your only argument against renewable power is that we haven't structured historical energy architecture around renewable power.

As an honest question, do you think fossil fuels represent the human races' ultimate energy technology, never to be improved? If not, how would you propose moving to an improved alternate energy source without upsetting you?
@boxnes Not at all.

You've created quite the strawman out of me.

I wasn't arguing 'against renewables'. I was comparing their cost and usefulness to oil and coal.

No I do not think that they are the ultimate energy technology. All energy sources can be improved and made to be more efficient, reliable and safe with research and technology.
No I do not think that they are the ultimate energy technology. All energy sources can be improved and made to be more efficient, reliable and safe with research and technology.

So you're basically saying you'll be in full support of renewables when/if their efficiency improves. They have improved greatly over the last 10 years and will continue to improve, so your support is just a matter of time yeah?
@karengodsgirlk2 We have been told the world will end in 8-9 years from climate change for the last 40 years. Why would I dedicate my life to making life choices now, that do nothing but pump money in to the hands of the people spouting the doom and gloom.

People like Al Gore who also predicted the end of the world due to Y2K (yes I'm that old). I am not saying we shouldn't change things, but most climate change activists live in la la land. They buy BEV and charge off coal, want to change things without any idea to the actual process, and believe the horse shit on social media.

So if you are truly basing your life around climate change, I'm sorry for you. I hope you get help.
@karengodsgirlk2 If you are truly scared of climate change, do some actual research on climate change. Most of the information on climate change is BS, not all but most. The truth is in the middle somewhere, you just need to use your brain, make informed decisions and views. A lot of these so called experts are getting paid a lot of money to spout skewed facts, that is both ways.

But I'm old so what do I know.
We have been told the world will end in 8-9 years from climate change

Completly false its never been claimed climate change will cause the end of the world in short timeframes.

You are a fool. The scientist's are perfectly clear climate change is real and proven the consequences will be very severe.
@resjudicata I guess you can't use google. Unfortunately I am old and I remember being told more than once that if we don't tackle climate change in 8-9 years the world will end, so I don't have to google it, I remember it.

I also didn't say 'climate change' wasn't real, just in case you had trouble understanding the basic english I used.

Just because you think I am a fool does not make the statement fact. Just as the statement "The scientist's are perfectly clear climate change is real and proven the consequences will be very severe." is also not a fact, just a statement, that has not been proven, even thought certain people and organisations like to claim it is a fact.

Believe what you like, but just because you throw a tanty and make a lot of noise, doesn't mean your right. It also does not mean I have to agree with you.
@karengodsgirlk2 I don't see why choosing to spend your life enjoying yourself instead of being a slave to hustle culture is seen as a bad thing. Nothing wrong with not being a drone to capitalism.

With inflation, climate change, housing crisis and other issues, our generation is seeing that working hard has significantly less benefits that there was for previous generations.
@karengodsgirlk2 I’m not sure about using extra time to ‘prep’ but people are starting to adjust their lifestyle and life choices in response to it.

A few things I noticed with my clients and among friends include -

•Increased focus on flood and sea level rise predictions for due diligence prior to property purchase.
•Increased adoption of sustainable fuel sources to minimise dependence on traditional forms (EVs, solar, etc)
•More child free families / fewer children.
•Prioritising travel to places that will look very different in the next 10-20 years rather than the standard holiday destinations.
@thursday Yeah, this is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about. Especially with property purchase. I'm pretty much wondering if people will use their time to prepare in a practical way. Because if they had extra time, a busy job can't be used as a reason to ignore it.

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