Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

@resjudicata The climate has always been changing, and for reasons other than humans.

Unfortunately many people have been suckered into believing if they give up everything in life (property & freedoms), pay more taxes to change the weather, and live ass to elbow like peasants in a digital prison run by a corrupt government that somehow that will stop climate change.



@resjudicata Sadly there are two many partisan nutters. Those that believe climate change is completely fabricated, and those who believe it's going to be some global catastrophe that's going to be a major extinction event soon.

Both of these groups are not listening to what scientists are saying. If there are tons of scientists and organizations telling us to worry like the op then i would worry.

I also feel most governments and corporations are starting to act. The pandemic helped reduce a lot of emissions. If he becomes more critical i am happy to WFM all day and just play computer games. Because apparently that helps significantly reduce emissions if everyone is forced to do it.
@karengodsgirlk2 The way I see it, (as an individual) getting a good job IS your best bet to combat climate change.

Having enough money gives you choices: choose to install a solar panel, choose to buy an EV, choose to buy ethical products. Bonus if you can choose a job that has a direct impact on climate change. It also gives you the choice to slow down and enjoy your life.

If you are struggling financially, you have no choices: you're forced to pick the cheap dirty power, forced to drive an old inefficient car, forced to buy the cheapest products however horrible its source. You don't enjoy life, you don't help the planet.
@karengodsgirlk2 Mate you’re a flog.

If you really cared about climate change you would get a job in an area that is actively helping.

You’re just an entitled kid using this as an excuse to be lazy and not work.

I love my job and enjoy going to work, if you are so passionate about climate change get a job in that field and enjoy doing some productive work. Not sitting around living off Centrelink or your parents money and justifying it on reddit.
@humbill Well now you've bought it up, that's literally what I'm in the process of doing. This post is just discussing how the whole lie flat movement and climate action could intersect. Not trying to make a grand statement about my position here.
@karengodsgirlk2 Fair enough.

People who like to complain and protest about shit without actively doing anything to help just really piss me off.

But if you care about climate change and are actually doing something to try and help then good on ya.
@karengodsgirlk2 Climate change is a lie to control the population. You will have carbon allowances in the future and be told to eat insects, while the elite fly in private jets, eat fancy meats and live in beachside mansions while at the same time saying we are in an emergency and sea levels are rising.
@ethnosax So let me get this straight... Climate activists have lied about climate change. This is so they can pass legislation. This legislation will ensure that people have no money and eat insects, living in poverty. Then, the climate activists just chill because they've done their job.

Next, the elite will fly around, eat fancy food and live in masions- basically what they already do right now. They will continue to do that. While they do that, they will say that we are in an emergency and sea levels are rising. This is apparently meant to appease the everyday people who have no money and little food. Aka, they are lying about climate change.

The motive of the elite is to control the population. Ok. That makes sense, because more fancy meals for them.

My question is, why does the elite and the climate activists work together in order to reduce the population? What do the climate activists get out of this supposed arrangement, won't they also starve?

Also, why would they make up such a convoluted lie that has plenty of scientific evidence... this story makes no sense to me.

From the sounds of it, somebody has just made you feel even more worried about climate change. Well, nobody is telling you to eat insects. I don't even know what a carbon allowance is, never heard of it. But it sounds like something somebody would say in order to frighten somebody. "Watch out! They're going to control your carbon and feed you bugs!"

It's also a confusing stance, because people are taught about the greenhouse effect in high school. It's really obvious you're in some kind of denial, sorry but it's true, but how it works is just fascinating to me. You really believe this?
@karengodsgirlk2 You are so naive. The WEF agenda 2030 is laid out. The only climate activists you hear from are ones who say what they are told, like greta. Meanwhile, actual climate scientists like Judith Curry say it is a lie. But you won't hear from her because the media have cancelled her. Science that can't be questioned is propaganda. Watch "Monopoly -who owns the world" on rumble. You have just believed everything you have been drip fed to believe and haven't asked any questions or even looked for other possibilities.
Carbon allowances are real and they are coming. Commonwealth bank already track your carbon, this won't be an option one day. Then, you will have digital ID and if you buy too much meat one week, your card won't work. I suppose you like the idea of 15 minute cities too?
@resjudicata The scientists who haven't been silenced. There are many who disagree (like Judith Curry), but have been censored. Scientists who agree with this receive funding. Money talks.
@karengodsgirlk2 Climate change isn't real. It's just an international religion to control you and get you to comply. Have you ever noticed how none of their gloomy predictions ever come true and they're not even remotely accurate? Go watch Al Gores documentary an inconvenient truth from 2006. Science my ass. They've been doing this crap for over 60 years. I remember when I was in school that we were getting brainwashed that oil was going to run out by 2020. My father was taught that oil would run out by the year 2000.

Everything they teach is nonsense. Stop falling for it, quit worrying and enjoy your life.
@aned OK if that works for you, go for it. You have already lived life. Just realise I'm coming from a position of coming into adulthood, reading the data even if its hard to stomach, and realising I might not make it past 2050. Then accepting that.

This isn't a "far future" thing, I will live through this. So, ignoring it is very difficult.
@karengodsgirlk2 I'm still a young adult mate, I still have another 50-60 years of life ahead of me.

We are in the same boat.

The main difference between me and you is that I wasn't indoctrinated about climate change ending the world in high school. In my tertiary years we were taught that it was never going to rain again in eastern Australia. And at that time, while in the middle of a drought it looked indisputable.

Look at us now in 2023, the water reserves have been full and over flowing for 10 years. The desal plant in Melbourne has cobwebs. Me and my mates are constantly joking with each other now that 'its never going to rain again', before we burst into laughter. That was the science, fear and anxiety of our day.

I encourage you to break free from the shackles of fear, doom and gloom. Their predictions are always off. And even if they are partially correct, then we will adapt to the conditions in the future and move on. We always do.
Stop worrying about things that are beyond your control, and make the most of what's infront of you to setup the best future for yourself and those around you.

Goodluck and all the best!
Climate change isn't real

Completly false its never been claimed climate change will cause the end of the world in short timeframes.

You are a fool. The scientist's are perfectly clear climate change is real and proven the consequences will be very severe.
an international religion to control you and get you to comply.

I disagree, but out of interest who do you think is behind the religion, and what do you think they're trying to comply with exactly?

Also, is the method for "not complying" and resisting the international religion to unconditionally support coal and gas power? If so, could it be that there's an alternate coal and gas power religion that is trying to get you to comply with them?

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