Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

I think fossil fuels are priced by a cartel

if that was the case, oil price would be fixed, rather than jumping up and down everyday. in 2020, oil price went negative, pay you to take it away. Hardly evidence of cartel.

>Renewables are getting cheaper then fossil fuels even factoring in storage.

That's great, we should all move to this, but we are not, why?

>If we electrify and automate everything including the manufacture of solar panels and batteries

I blame those damn kids in the Congo, for being lazy and not mining enough cobalt.

>Eventually we wouldnt even need to mine, just recycle what we have

Yes, once we covered the whole planet with batteries and panels

>send them to developing nations

they already have more oil than they need, you just crush their market and the workers go unemployed. Thank you very much

btw the way, Nickel is more strictly controlled, you might want to look into that for cartel activities
I think fossil fuels are priced by a cartel

if that was the case, oil price would be fixed, rather than jumping up and down everyday. in 2020, oil price went negative, pay you to take it away. Hardly evidence of cartel.

What is OPEC+ then? Oil pricing is controlled by organised capping and regulation of production. It is done with the express and stated goal of controlling pricing. Negative oil pricing was a transient effect from the over night dive in demand (demand typically is very stable) and the complete inability for rapid changes in output. The plan how much energy is coming out of the ground and it sets the average price the market will pay for said energy. If they output more energy the world economic activity increases especially in parts of the world less developed as they are somewhat capped by it.

Also for products like petrol they only get refined now in a few places on earth by a fairly small amount of companies. Australia gave up nearly all its refining capability to remain in good with our friends. In the process we may have given up some of our sovereignty. Sovereignty we will get back if we are no longer reliant on imports to fuel our transport sector.

>Renewables are getting cheaper then fossil fuels even factoring in storage. That's great, we should all move to this, but we are not, why?

Australia is overwhelmingly moving to renewables. Any resistance to moving to renewables is driven by lobbying and politics.

>If we electrify and automate everything including the manufacture of solar panels and batteries blame those damn kids in the Congo, for being lazy and not mining enough cobalt.

Cobalt is being eliminated from battery chemistry. The new chemistry is LFP which is Lithium Iron Phosphate. Its a fairly recent chemistry but is increasing market share rapidly as it is cheap and avoids some of the dodgy mining. The only reason those minerals are mined by artisanal miners is because labour is so cheap in those countries that it is cheaper then running machines (which the big miners all certify they do but reports suggest they don't). The solution here is to just remove those minerals which is what is happening rapidly.

>Eventually we wouldnt even need to mine, just recycle what we haveYes, once we covered the whole planet with batteries and panels

A little hyperbolic as its only 0.2% of the land mass of the world that would need to be covered to replace all other energy sources. Far more then 0.2% of the land mass is waste land. Granted not all of it is suitable for solar panels but we can solve that using the parts that are and a global energy grid. Global energy grids are now within reach due to things like Ultra High Voltage DC transmission links.

>send them to developing nations they already have more oil than they need, you just crush their market and the workers go unemployed. Thank you very much

I don't think there is a developing nation out there that would seriously turn down more / cheaper oil/coal etc to develop their nation and put it all to good use. You make out oil is like shoes.. if we give them shoes then we will put shoe makers out of work. If we give them oil then they will likely turn it into things and be productive and make stuff.

btw the way, Nickel is more strictly controlled, you might want to look into that for cartel activities

See LFP batteries. No nickel either.

Also see iron flow batteries for grid scale storage.

The amount of subsidy that has gone into fossil fuels over the last 100 years is totally worth it. We should now do the same thing for more sustainable energy sources and future proof us.

Meta note: Thankyou for engaging in a meaningful way. I like a good discussion about these things.
What is OPEC+ then?

OPEC is a cartel, oil price itself does not exhibit cartel behavior. So in essence, OPEC is pissing in the wind.

>organised capping

Yes, OPEC cap all the time. Member states doesnt follow the cap, they cheat, produce as much oil as possible to make $$$. Non Opec producers pumps out more oil to make $$ too

>. In the process we may have given up some of our sovereignty.

Correct. Simply not viable. So many thing we dont make here, we dont make Iphones, we dont make tanks, we dont even make Toyotas anymore. You can partially thank the unions

>Any resistance to moving to renewables is driven by lobbying and politics.

And profits

>The solution here is to just remove those minerals

kids unemployed, now have to join infantry :(

Lithium prices going through the roof is not helping eithe

>A little hyperbolic as its only 0.2% of the land mass of the world that would need to be covered to replace all other energy sources.

Not so sure about that. I dont have data, so I cant say yay or nay

> If we give them oil then they will likely turn it into things and be productive and make stuff.

Flooding their market with oil will cause all sorts of distortion to the economy. Think of build bonus in Australia.

>We should now do the same thing for more sustainable energy sources and future proof us.

Isnt there all sorts of grant from the govt for renewables? Solar is so cheap these days
@cielo77 Hate to break it to you but China controls over 80% of the renewable supply chain. If you thought cartels are bad, this has the potential to be much worse.

Today, China’s share in all the manufacturing stages of solar panels (such as polysilicon, ingots, wafers, cells and modules) exceeds 80%. This is more than double China’s share of global PV demand. In addition, the country is home to the world’s 10 top suppliers of solar PV manufacturing equipment.

Source: IEA
@karengodsgirlk2 I'll repeat what I said on the other post...

I don't consider what was described as "giving up". Sounded like a well-educated and successful person decided to take an alternative path that gave them better work-life balance. I believe the person in question was a lawyer, which is a profession notorious for overworking graduates. It is also a snapshot in time of that young person's life, not a definitive determination of what the rest of their life will look like.

I don't particularly worry about this "trending" because we are a high-migration country. There are plenty of people coming from all around the world who like the social contract in Australia just fine. The kind of people who are brave enough to leave their culture and support network behind, resilient enough to jump through all sorts of bureaucratic BS and travel half-way around the world to this crazy-ass country. They'll take the jobs and the houses in the popular cities and those who don't want to participate in the "rat-race" will be pushed out.

Like one of the other commenters, I feel very sorry about anyone making specific plans around climate change. Things aren't going to go the way you think. Reminds me of the gen-xers who thought they were so rock-n-roll that they'd all be dead before they were 30...
@karengodsgirlk2 Take the comment at face value. Predicting the future is very hard.

Yes, if everything stays exactly the same and enough time passes, we have a good idea of what will happen with the climate.

But things won't stay exactly the same. All sorts of predictable and unpredictable things will happen.

I have confidence that humanity will react to the changing environment. Those reactions, happening over time, will change the outcome. But I don't know exactly what that will look like yet. Plus, there will be all sorts of other things that might happen (a massive pandemic that reduces the world population, a solar flare, a massive volcanic eruption, mastery of nuclear fusion, etc) that change the status quo.

It might make you feel better to read some history of science. It's not that science is stupid and a waste of time. But the way science is reported by media and consumed by the public often is.
@solomon33 Thanks. I just read that part and was like "What? Can they read my mind or something? I don't know how it's going to go" lol

Yeah life is unpredictable as hell. This is just a question to satisfy my curiosity. In reality nothing is simple.
@karengodsgirlk2 One big advantage of this insistence for 100% WFH jobs and people engaging less is that it's a lot easier to stick out in your workplace and negotiate higher wages. All you need to do is show up to work 3 days a week and work while you're there. Pretty sweet deal.
@resjudicata I have empathy for people who feel this way. They have been told this since primary school from a group of people who have a dogmatic ideology. They are told its from the scientist. The data doesn't and hasn't ever supported the Emergency and end of the world predictions. Young people have it super tough in some ways and much easier in others. Generations are yelling past each other cherry picking their talking points. We should be discussing how things are getting better and how to deburr the few sharp edges that are about the place.
Who cares tho? The earth has gone through millions of years changing its climate?

The earths climate has always changed, and constantly changes. Throughout its lifespan so far.
@karengodsgirlk2 But it’s out of your control? So why do you give a shit?

I couldn’t give a care any less about climate change. And why should it? There’s nothing I can do about it. It’s the way earths history has always been.

The earth will change regardless of human interaction.

Stress less man.
@ethnosax Keep worrying about nothing mate!!

There’s nothing anybody in this sub can do about climate change. So don’t stress yourself out

The earth will end one day. So who really cares??

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