Energy X a good investment?

@ah44257 Yeah same here. I recently heard that Honda and GM have teamed up to make Hydrogen fuel cell systems. Also Toyota doesn’t believe in EV as much as Hybrid. Toyota ceo even resigned over it. I just have a bad gut feeling about Safe Energy (Energy X).
@jilliang When reading the info on the Energy X website I see them talk about Tesla, VW, and other investing in Lithium but no some much investing with them, Energy X.. The GM leads the 50M round does not say GM put up 50M.. just they were the lead but to what amount? too me it sounds a bit suspect currently..

Guess I will wait and see.. :)
@feelson I agree. Not going to invest yet however will be interesting to see what happens going forward since 2/8 was the last day to get in at $8 a share supposedly
@woollybear I didn't get any yet but min had been $504-$600 if its now a min of $1,000 then it increased. Not sure if that is good or bad but I am going to check it out after the first quarter
@jilliang I’m looking at it right now, it says $504 is the minimum. I’m interested, but also skeptical. With all the news recently about, who was it, Hertz rental car reducing their EV fleet by 1/3, and charging issues with the cold. I know electric is the future, but I wonder if it’s so much now. I’m not a heavy investor currently, mostly index funds and some stock in individual tech companies… this chance opportunity, while not that expensive, is a bit risky to me… more info is definitely needed.
@jilliang The Ad I received had an image of Elon Musk. I feel they are using his image and likeness based solely on the X Branding. Has he been involved in the company in anyway? That, GM, and it being the ground floor and an investment I wouldn't be touching for many years. I have found some other info that helped me reach the conclusion of it bring a long short worthy of attempting. But you guys seem to be in the know... Know me up, reddit daddy.
@jilliang Do they just take your money and invest in Lithium stocks? They're just a broker, correct? Nothing to do with the industry--plants, land, equipment??
@bonbon21 I think you can get locked in a share price IF.... the company goes public. I assume that is the gamble. Well then the shares itself once it goes public
@jilliang I got in for just over $1000.00. I don't want to lose my investment, but I feel a grand isn't the end of the world. I am looking for an eventual upside on my investment and if it doesn't happen I'll still get on with my day...
@jilliang This is a very legitimate company. Not only do they have the $50 mil from GM, but they also have a commitment from Global Emerging Markets (GEM) for $450 mil if they go public. EnergyX is located in Austin, TX and they have plans to build a state-of-the-art building to showcase this technology in the near future. They also just acquired some property (90,000 acres) in South America that will really put them on the map. As far as I know, Elon does not endorse EnergyX, he was only saying that if any entrepreneur wants a lucrative business, they should try lithium extraction/production. It's basically like "printing money". From what I can tell, Reddit is not a very good place to ask questions. No one knows what they are talking about.

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