Energy X a good investment?

@jilliang I would if I didn't have to give my SS# makes me nervous as hell. I'm just gonna invest in lithium Americas for now. I live in Nevada and know how big it will get eventually $$$$ . But its a super long game just like energy X and cheaper.
@jilliang I would avoid. I researched them as much as I could and it seems they just lose money and produce nothing.

The above link is regarding their common stock. Read the risk section if actually serious about investing in them. They use a lot of marketing gimmicks and implications but it smells like vaporware to me. It's not even clear what GM has to do with them.

Also realize unless they can go public you can not sell any shares so you stand to lose every penny with no recourse. I need to see productivity, not pie in the sky promises from an already very competitive industry that can change at the drop of a hat. At this point I can not see them going public so they resort to e begging in a sense.
From the link I left... go to the table of contents and click "Risk Factors". Yes, all investments have risk but they go into very specific detail of the risks that apply to this particular industry and what Energy X's space actually is and has to face. It scared me away right quick like.
@jilliang While a good investment, there is also a cryptocurrency egag's LLC owns. Kinds like ripple and their crypto they used to help build out their network more. Just something to look into. I've invested into both companies though
@magnusnr I think it's a very risky investment. Not sure how that is "good". For it to be good after 6 years of bleeding money you would think they wouldn't have to be marketing for private investors like one of the hundreds of "passive income" ads we get blasted with 24/7 these days. It seems very unlikely they will ever go public and unless they do you can't get a red cent back.

I hope I am wrong for your sake and other investors but I wouldn't try to encourage anyone by implying this is a good investment.. at least until or if they actually produce something and show a profit. And let's not even get into crypto pump and dump grifts...
@jilliang So is elon even involved? They use X and make it sound like its elon but I can't find anything saying its elon company.

I see it advertised for investors. The last one I saw was a mobile pharmacy and I almost invested and they went kaput if I understand correctly.

If it's not Elon company its shady how they're misrepresenting...

Anyone know anything about this?
@gabriel05 correct it seems like they are using a general statement he made about Lithium extraction and made it seem like he is talking about EnergyX . seems a little shady
@jilliang Agreed. Elon names his companies with the X so it seems they are misrepresenting. If they are playing these games what games are they playing with the money... I guess I'll have to pass
@gerry69 Don't forget Elon is a pump and dump grifting scammer. He is not out for anyone to make money but himself. I have heavily researched this Energy X company (which Elon has nothing to do with) and as of now they are only operating at a loss so there is zero chance of them going public or an investor being able to sell any shares. It's way risky but some can afford it. Most can't. They say the money is going in R and D but I would like to see what the CEO and board are pilfering.
@jilliang I invested in the company the very first round and I believe in the company and the CEO. He kept the investor updated every step of the way. The original investment was on net capital and he would reply to people's questions in the discussion board. As to the quote from Elon he's generally saying you can't go wrong with investing into the lithium business and Elon himself invested into energyx.
@jilliang Sounds like a huge gamble that might not happen. I mean this could be a thousand bucks towards another company. AI will be the future for sure.

Morning brew suggests a lot of investing options like this one. And liquid piston, masterworks etc

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