Energy X a good investment?

@jilliang I just read about investing in them from my Morning Brew newsletter. They received a $ 5 million grant from the US Department of Energy in Q3 2023. If they progress the way they have it mapped out I do think it will be worth the investment. I'm a newbie with the fear of making bad money choices so it is hard to pull the trigger.
@chekr2 I also got an email from Energy X this morning saying after February 8th the $8 per share price is going to change (assuming going up) like they are trying to throw a sense of urgency at us to Invest. I think I am going to just keep a watchful eye until then or after 1st Quarter.
@jilliang They're now asking $9 / share. If it's not on the public markets then the money could get stuck and the shares may not be easily sold. So it's very risky. It might still be fully legit, but if it doesn't succeed then share-price will likely go to straight to $0. So you'd better have nerves of steel and an affinity for big risk.
@jilliang We believe that we currently have sufficient capital to finance our operations at least through the end of Q2 2024. However, in order to continue the growth of our business and expansion of the Company, we may need to obtain additional financing. Further, we expect that, after such period, we will be required to raise additional capital to fund our operations and to further advance the commercialization of LiTAS™ in South America and the US. There is no assurance that such financing will be available when needed, or that ultimately, we will achieve profitable operations and positive cash flow.

I pulled this off of their 1-SA financial report tonight. I am on the fence about giving them my money. Love the concept, but the CEO is basically a rich frat dude with seemingly average intelligence and a rich daddy, and daddy is on the board of directors. That being said, if their technology works as well as they say it will, it's a great opportunity for humanity and investors alike. I am leaning towards investing some now and waiting/watching for positive news to invest a little more.
@moyes thank you so much for finding this and sharing. My knee jerk reaction is to wait until after Q2 of 2024 before I buy into it since they are saying funds might run out if they don't get more and if they do, it seems like they are going to need to raise another set of funding prior to going public.
@jilliang They're now sending emails suggesting that their current rate of $8/share is going to increase on February 4th (or 8th, can't remember) so they're suggesting you should invest now if you're going to. $504 investment is pretty small potatoes - who knows though. It could be years before you see any type of return. Best of luck.
@jilliang I’m skeptical to say the least based on the information I’ve gathered. Getting a grant and GM funding don’t mean much to me right now because GM is getting a lot of undeserved gov favoring in this presidency. So to get that and a small government grant isn’t enough for me jump on the boat right now. Once we see more information about the technology being proven is when I might join in. Right now I’m seeing a lot of marketing and little facts IMHO.
@realheresy That is what I am seeing as well. Comes off desperate spamming my emails with "act now" with nothing showing as far as advancements towards an IPO or big news from them in regards to who is the new big investor is or even progress working with counties. Last news I heard of that was Bolivia in which they missed a repport and bolivia gave them the boot.
@jilliang Every investment has a potential for profit or loss!

We do not know the details of the between GM and EnergyX. You do not know why GM is investing, and if your decision to invest is based solely on their investment than it is not a good investment.

If you are to invest do it because you believe that EnergyX is worth investing in (do your research on the company)
Invest only if your research indicates a high probability of the company growing.
@tuxame My research indicates there is way too much risk factor. They started 6 years ago and still bleeding. And it seems impossible to find out where their road to profit even begins. Even reading their own offering circular it is endless paragraphs on how and why they might fail. It seems they put a lot into covering their own asses in case all the private investors get stiffed. Which is a 100% chance unless they go public. And even if... they themselves admit to having no idea what the price will be. Typically a dollar ish and they currently sell at $9 a share, $1,000 min.
@jilliang I invested 500 in them. I believe they will be big in the beginning of the major EV turnover. Eventually something else will come out. But not until they make billions. Just my opinion. I hope to turn my 500 into a few hundred thousand.. I believe in Teague Egan. I believe he will not give up until he wins big. He has put o lot of money into this company to not fight for it. I would put more into it but I have my fears too. I'm not rich and can't afford to do it.
@rupertc $500 will not become a few hundred thousand for almost any company (maybe early Amazon or Google) unless you buy in at less than $1.00 per share and it does very well.

I bought some EnergyX when it was at $4, understanding that it could all be lost. An awesome exit from my PoV would be $40 to $80 (I e. 10x to 20x). $20 to $30 would be great.

Rio Tinto is a large, multinational, 100+ year old mining company that trades around $60 to $75. EnergyX is a tech company (room for high multiples), but it is related to a subset of the mining industry (reduces odds of high multiples).

I'm certainly not going to be upset if EnergyX went up to $200, but I would probably have sold most / all of my position long before then. They will likely need to come up with multiple, popular, economically valuable products to have a chance at getting to the $200 range.
@jilliang I put 1k in for shits/giggles. Its very speculative IMHO, but might also be very profitable if it pans out. The devil is more in the details of how the stock gets converted if they go public... ( assuming they get that far ) There are risks that exist aside from the fact that they might be a scam or the terms of the investment might not be good - other battery chemistries may minimize or eliminate the need for lithium in the future, so if they don't have something that is scaling up in a few years, they may be too late to market... Its a huge gamble. I chipped in because I assume GM thinks its legit and I assume they know better than I do.

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