
New member
Greetings, Reddit Hivemind!

In the market for new energy providers, and have been somewhat confounded.

Am I right in understanding that, for example, Diamond Energy’s all day costs are 21.7 c/kWh and Momentum Energy's rates are similar to Diamond 20.6 c/kWh, while Alinta Energy’s costs are 6.7 c/kWH.. making Diamond and Momentum roughly 3x as expensive as Alinta based on c/kWh? Diamond and Momentum purportedly offer renewable sources of energy, while Alinta is your cookie cutter oil/gas.

How, then can the reference prices be fairly similar? $1,292 for Diamond, $1,234 for Momentum, $1,215 for Alinta. Reference prices, as I understand them, measure the total cost of using 4000 kWh over the span of a year.

Please be kind with the number of downvotes. I am genuinely confused.

Edit: Thanks all, feel like a bit of an numpty. Alinta's peak consumption charge is exactly the same as Diamond Energy's 21.7 c/kWh
@coffee777 6.7c/kwh sounds more like a solar feed in tarrif. That is insanely cheap and below wholesale market price so there's no way they're charging that for power, must be a mistake in their wording

Yep, just checked. That's their solar feed in tarrif. So if you've got solar panels thats what they pay you for what you feed to the grid
@coffee777 I think you're reading that wrong, unless we have different results.

Alinta's usage is 23.33 c/kWh

Their feed-in tariff is 6.7 c/kWh

(Also, remember to compare daily supply charges when looking for energy providers)

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