Employer wage deductions, unlimited employee liability in contract- U.K. (England)


New member
Employee liability insurance/ public liability to cover employee vs employer.

My employer has shown a rather nasty desire to deduct large amounts from my wages.

An Initial deduction of £1000 for damage to a vehicle whilst not in my possession for example.

Does employee liability insurance exist? (Not employers liability). Am I able to take public liability to cover liability against my employer??
I am an employee in England with an English company.

My employment contract puts significant liability on me and authorises un-restricted deductions for
“Any fines, penalties, losses, damages, expenses or other monies paid or sustained by the company during the course of employment due to any conduct, act or omission for which the company may be deemed vicariously liable”

I work in a maintenance field fixing others errors, these repairs can often run to tens or even hundreds of thousands and be difficult to find, or pin down blame, hence, unlimited liability is a huge issue.

Is this even legal to have in an employment contract?

My wage does not reflect this, I’m not worried about breaking out of the lowest tax band to give an idea.

Thank you.

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