Employer private health insurance … is there a point?

@bondzy I would get it personally, sounds dumb but your fit and healthy till your not, God forbid you end up with a diagnosis of something in the coming years and then no insurance company will want to deal with you having an existing condition or charge you crazy premiums if they will.

It's like car insurance, you could go years without needing it then something can go very wrong and your glad you have it to fall back on.
@bondzy I would argue yeah there’s some good benefits from it with depending such as claiming back expenses as n gym membership my insurance paid back 100 towards it, also seeing a physio can claim back stuff I guess you can make an argument you don’t need it, also for stuff you don’t anticipate I tore my tendon playing 5 a side needed an MRI insurance covered half of it. I mean again might not needed to go to it but I guess I personally value being safer with stuff like that. Also not sure of your gender but going for regular check up is good. It’s weird I don’t think we value that as much as other places albeit that could just be my personal friends and surroundings compared to friends living abroad.

Totally personally although I’m not sure if your looking to get it self insurance and not pay taxes on it or something or just without any insurance at all

You really do have to read what your covered for to maximise the benefits such as wearing glasses to tend to cover costs for that and Lenses again depending on your scheme I would argue all of that would offset the taxes paid ?
@bondzy Same could be said for car or house insurance. I would go without holidays to have it. You will be taxed for it for 40% of the premium on your payslip but you can submit details of the policy to revenue to get the BIK relief so you only are out of pocket 20% of the premium.
@bondzy I had Vhi from me early 20’s abs used to query why I bothered. Turned 40 and boom. Claims started rolling!!! I definitely got my moneys worth from the start. Also as a mid 20’s guy I never went to doc or hospital but in reality, thinking back there was plenty of times I actually should have.
@bondzy The amount you'll pay in premiums is absolutely nothing in comparison to the cost of needing it once.

I know somebody that was being treated for an illness and had about 40k worth of drugs sitting in the fridge at any one time. Just small little bottles of medicine. All free covered by Health insurance

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