
New member
Hi all, I've been resisting e-walleting, but now no choice, got MAE because of the e-Madani claim.
I'm looking at other E-Wallets as well, but got so many, it's confusing.
How many do you all have?
Which is the best?
Do they operate like credit cards e.g. cash backs, incentives etc?
Help pleeze!
@austinsawyer155 only tng because cba to use so many different ones and i think tng it the most flexible (most uses) one.

also dont want too many money sink - tng top up 100 at a time but if have 3 then 3x100 cant see again
@austinsawyer155 I hate to support TnG due to its history of monopoly in the past. But I think the best e-wallet is tng. I linked it to my cc and rfid. So no manual topup is needed for tolls.

I can topup the amount from the cc and transfer it back to my bank account or someone else's if cash is needed. This is a very useful feature in case of emergency.

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