
New member
This is the only place I feel I might have likeminded balls of anger.

As an avid youtube user, that gets targeted by the ads algorithm with finance ads, I absolutely hate E Toro.

EVERY SINGLE VIDEO is preempted by some preppy American E Toro ad that is doing my bloody head in. Anyone else share this sentiment?
@zakaro I used to dream of other things when i lay my head down at night. Now i only dream of Simon and Joe and how well they do on the financial markets.
@zakaro You're supposed to look down on Joe's relatively poor grooming and appearance but he still looks a lot more presentable that I am.
@slvr07 I'm already in a state of perpetual crisis and disorganisation thanks to bad habits and ADHD, but now YouTube investing ads are twisting the knife :(
@imcoleford This one kills me.

"Investing isn't for everyone... but if you're not a piece of shit beta cuck, then you NEED plus500"

It makes me irrationally angry.
@imcoleford I work in Gambling Advertising. We're given way-stricter legal controls than anything Derivative punting firms have to deal with. I've honestly seen a few things I'm like 'I can't believe that's legal to say considering some of the stuff I've had knocked back' when it comes to E-Toro and other CFD mills.

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