E-6 with networth of over $1M

@leonsarahh Woot! Happy for you! Good luck on E-7.

I do agree with some comments about putting more into Roth accounts for the next 2 years at least. Some tax free growth for 36-60+ is a return in and of itself.

Are you going to work after retirement, or are your rentals cash flowing enough to live off of?
@leonsarahh I’m currently doing this kind of work as a collateral duty for the Navy. I’m kind of feeling like I could be good at it at some point and try it outside the military, but what I’m doing is often Navy specific and doesn’t seem super applicable to civilian IT world. What kind of work have you done?
@leonsarahh My dude, disregard the haters poo-pooing your low TSP balance. TSP is a great way to build wealth. It is not the only way.

With the pension and health benefits after retirement we have a great safety net. If everything goes to zero, you'll be fine. So making high risk investments with what you can afford to lose doesn't mean the same thing to us as it would to someone without that safety net.

Congrats on your success, don't touch that BTC until at least 2025.
@huntert98 Appreciate the wise words my man 🤝 I don't care about the haters lol. If I let my emotion or words from random strangers on the internet affect my thinking, I'd have sold all my BTC during the blood market in 2022.

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