E-6 Budget in Germany. Thoughts and opinions?


New member

Good morning folks,

I'm a 32 y/o E-6 with two dependents who recently moved to Germany. Some notes.

Housing budget is my total cap. This could change as part of my housing budget is capped at the rent. So we can either spend the max, or if we find a house that costs less we'll only be given the rent cap. Our utility allowance we get the full rate, which is $1151/mo.

As military we have heavy tax advantages as only a portion of our income is taxed. I also claim NY as a state of residence and don't pay state income tax since I'm active duty.

Transportation includes one car payment, insurance, and gas for two vehicles. We get tax advantaged gas out here in Germany, so we only pay about half of what the locals do at Esso stations.

Cellphone is Google Fi's international plan and one phone payment. We get to keep our American numbers and have zero issues with service or anything.

Renters and Pet insurance is a current unknown for us. Pet insurance is mandatory for us in Germany, and we won't know Renters insurance until we actually find a home.

Travel Fund amount can fluctuate. We're just putting in a number we could use.

Child sports is also unknown as she's not enrolled into anything yet.

TSP I'm sure some of you think could be higher.. and you're right. But I'm factoring in an E-6/E-7 retirement + TSP + Social security into our retirement, on top of owning a home. Plus I'd be looking to get a government job or something that could maybe provide a second form of retirement income after 20 or so years of service. Maybe you could provide more information on this?

Overall this graph in it's current form provides us with a budget surplus of $508. We could throw this into TSP, travel, or simply include a fun budget into this. I would guestimate that to be maybe around $300/mo and used as local travel, theme parks, etc.

Any and all advice is appreciated!
@utopeon 0 in travel fund. 0 in savings. Kid is 8.

Car we'll be buying here in the next week or so, putting $10k down on a $25k car.

Personal loan has around $21k left, but again it's 0%.

I say all this, we're closing on our home on Wednesday and will be netting around $40k once our other loans and my car is paid off.
@llindsay You're selling a house back in the states and plan to pay off the personal loan, one car, and put 10k down on another car with the profits? After all that, you'll be left with 40k?

I would throw that 40k in savings/HYSA. You have no savings, so that should be your priority. Throw a thousand or two into the travel fund to get that started.

How much a month will you be freeing up by paying off the personal and car loan. How much will the new car loan be?

You're doing great on the TSP. An E6 with a wife a kid but still putting 1k/month into TSP is great.

GE was an amazing duty station. Don't waste that travel money. Your kid is at the perfect age to start understanding and appreciate the opportunity and things they'll see. Travel, it's cheap and beautiful.
@utopeon The loans we're paying off are not listed. This budget is post debt pay off minus the personal loan because it's 0%. My car I was forced to refinance because the bank wouldn't let me ship it, that's $32k. There are other loans and debts but they're irrelevant since they'll be paid off. This budget is all post house pay off. Again, we'll have around $40k once all debts (minus the personal, and a new car loan for the wife's car) are paid off.

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