E-5, 9 years, 30% going to TSP should I change anything about my contributions

@hamerek 2032-35 is what I am looking at for retiring. I've read that for the L fund should be around the time I was looking to retire but I also read invest in the cheaper L funds in the hope they go up, not sure what is better.
@mrogers I would set it to whenever you are close to 60/65 years old. I would also move all your funds over as mentioned by another person. The CSI funds are fine if you want to manage it a little. If not just move everything to L and let it do it’s thing
@monroedm Definitely. From TSP.gov:

When an L Fund reaches its target date, it goes out of existence and any money in it becomes part of the L Income Fund.

You definitely don't want it to switch to L Income (which will lose money vs. inflation) before you want to withdraw from it.
@mrogers As the other commenter indicates, you should choose a Lifecycle Fund based upon when you will begin withdrawing from it, not based upon your military retirement date. If that's still 2032-35, so be it. But I would shift all your money towards it. It balances automatically based on your retirement date, so allocating money in other funds kind of undermines that.
@hamerek I know everyone is recommending I move all my funds to the correct L fund now, but would it be fine if I just move my current L funds to the new one, leave all the other funds alone, and make my new L fund allocation to 100%?

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