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I have an internal garage and I have strung a pull-out washing line across where the bonnet of the car goes.

If I put washed clothes out after coming back from a drive (I spin the clothes hard to get them started), the warmth of the engine helps dry the clothes. Plus, they don’t get rained on inside the garage but also it doesn’t fill the house with damp.

In this weather that’s not perfect so I finish them off on a rack in front of my heat pump, as the air is already warm and dry (I know that’s not an option for some). I haven’t done the numbers but I’m sure it’s cheaper than running a dryer.

Also if it’s raining when I do this, I squeegee the car and push the water outside so it doesn’t add to the humidity load in the garage. It only takes a couple of minutes to dry it.
@vernon1 Hey, I think the fumes from the car will get absorbed by the clothes fibers. Wearing them for long hours on your skin, they get absorbed into your system, might be bad for health in the long run.
@vernon1 My landlord used to park his car in the internal garage. It was a corolla then he switched to a 2 seater sports car. Both vehicles when he's back from outside, I could still smell fumes after a few hours. Just my 2 cents
@vernon1 I have a pedestal fan running about two meters away from my clothes rack in the shed, some clothes are completely dry within a day, heavy items go in the dryer for 30min. Fans only 80w, so uses less than an old light bulb and works a treat.
@vernon1 I've got a line strung up in the garage too, mostly because I'm never able to get washing done & out early enough to try drying during winter (and it's easier to do it any other time of the year). This mostly works for me since I've got a "double" garage with a single metal panel door, so it can radiate heat directly inside.
@vernon1 I have a line in garage also. Mostly it's OK, when carport one is still getting rained on. But not the other day, 2.5 days and still wet, so gave up and threw in the dryer for 15 mins.

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