
New member
Hi everyone,

I (Italian nationality) used to live and work in Portugal (Lisbon, July 2016-March 2019) for a local company and used to have a tax address (= morada fiscal) there too. I subsequently decided to move to Ireland on a temporary basis and lived/worked there for almost two years (March-2019-December 2020).

I moved back to Portugal in December 2020 (still woking for the same Irish company and with the same type of contract as well, which will be converted into a Portuguese one shortly). I recently had to produce my Tax Return Declaration in Portugal for fiscal reasons (I bought an apartment and I am suitable for IMI exemption): the system produced the required document two days ago but the Declaration status is currently marked as "Liquidação com nota de cobrança" (I am owing money to Government apparently) and the amount due it quite high.

Unfortunately I did not change my tax address when I left Portugal but I have an Irish Tax Return Declaration (i.e., "PAYE/USC Statement of Liability 2020") proving I already paid taxes abroad.

I had my declaration done by phone with a Portuguese Tax Revenue representative, who told me to fill in the Anexo J with my gross annual income but with no entries related to the taxes I paid to the Irish government in the past.

I have the feeling that the Portuguese exchequer never received any fiscal/tax infos related to my stay in Ireland.

I really hope somebody will be able to help me on this matter one way or another.

Thanks in advance.

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