Does stock of US companies pay the same dividends when bought on NYSE vs on German Xetra? What about taxes?


New member
Does stock of US companies pay the same (or very similar) dividends when bought on NYSE vs on German Xetra? What about tax rules?

Example: AT&T. It's present on both the German Xetra (as US00206R1023) and on NYSE (as US00206R1023).

AFAIK, me buying dividend yielding stock (like AT&T) on a US based stock exchange (e.g. NYSE) will result in the 30% US tax on the dividend being withheld by the US gov't (this number can go down to 15% if I fill out W-8BEN form).

But what if I buy the said AT&T stock on Xetra? Will I also have to deal with the same 30% (15% w/ W-8BEN) US tax? Or will some other tax regulations come into play?

My context: Human, based in the NL. Using Degiro as the broker.
@lemandas The company doesn’t know which exchange you buy their shares on. They pay the dividend and withhold tax as required by law. I would always file a W8-BEN, there’s no advantage to not doing it.

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