Does Appearance Affect Your Wealth Building Potential?

@billbennet It depends on your business. I know my brother once missed a well paying job because he “sounded like a Maori” but he’s making bloody good money now.
@billbennet It really depends on your client base and target market. As well as the service you're offering. Older people will want to see you tidy and professional, especially if you're entering their homes for maintenance. Younger people and most blokey males will love a well cut mullet if you're otherwise clean and presentable, doing something like lawns, car stuff, clothing sales.
However, it's also in how you come across. A mate of mine has the craziest mullet, but is super personable, well dressed, capable, knowledgeable etc. People love it. Wouldnt be the same if he was awkward, greasy and unkempt.
@billbennet I remember interviewing a guy early in my career, and the person who was helping me interview him said at the end: 'can you believe he didn't clean his fingernails?'.

Point is that putting some attention to your appearance (clean shoes, tidy, etc) is noticed by many people. I don't know if the choice of haircut would make a significant difference, but it being scruffy would be noted.

A lot comes down to what else they know about you. If it's a warm introduction and they have already been told good things about you then they're going to be much more willing to overlook something superficial. If it's cold then appearance is one of the few things they have to go on.
@billbennet Can you engage with people easily?
Do you have the gift of the gab?

Yes first impressions matter, even before you speak but if you can connect with people right off the bat a haircut won't mean much and may work in your favour. You'll be easily remembered as the guy with a mullet. May or may not work in your favour.
@billbennet As long as the mallet is tidy and maintained (i.e. you didn't get drunk and decided to get your mates to take to the side of your head with some clippers) then it doesn't matter.

I'm self employed and work professionally with various corporate clients including the government and I've done so with long hair and various other haircuts, I've had some comments when working with the military but it's never had any effect with me getting the work or how they work with me.
@kerdckr Stats NZ (2021) shows that those who ticked "European" as their ethnic group have the highest median net worth.

Do you think that every other ethnic group isn't putting in the same effort to build wealth?

Quick - Google search on ethnic pay gaps in NZ.,than%20the%20average%20Asian%20salary.

It appears there's a pay gap within same or similar roles, seniority, etc

Why do you think this is the case?

Lack of work ethic? Bad quality work output? Laziness? Less intelligent?

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