Does Appearance Affect Your Wealth Building Potential?

@billbennet Great question & thought process. The fact you're even thinking like this shows you have the right attitude and I doubt it will be an issue for 95%+ of the people you interact with.

There's always some who are superficial and will make decisions on looks alone.

For everyone else, its attitude and competence -- sounds like you'll be fine :)
@billbennet Here's some excellent advice in getting ahead as a professional: never, ever be yourself. Be what people want and expect you to be. Think from your customer's perspective: do they want to see a mullet? Do they want to see stubble? Do they want to see dirty hands? Do they want to hear about your objections to Covid, support for the protest, disdain for personal pronouns? If yes (or no), respond accordingly.
@billbennet Personally, I think all of that is behind us now.

Tattoos (unless gang related) are pretty much accepted in business as haircuts, odd facial hair, etc.

Just rock you man, chances are if someone doesn't like your mullet, then they are not the kind of people you want to do business with anyway.
@billbennet Absolutely it matters. While I would like to say that what you look like should never matter, unconscious bias almost always wins. So much so that companies like Google do training to try and get rid of it. There are multitudes of studies showing that people treat attractive people and people like themselves better than all others.

So look at your target market and either a) Make sure you are hot AF by majority standards if your target market is into it and; failing that, b) Look like what your target market expects you to look like.

It's the hash reality of life - over the years I have dressed more and more feminine despite feeling like a they/their in my formulative years, and the way I'm treated respectfully for doing so makes it worth it.

Sad but true.
@billbennet Dude, people develop first impressions of you even before you open your mouth. That’s the reality. You can’t do anything about your age, but you can do whatever it takes to look the part. Make the money first and you can dress and keep whatever hairstyle you like next time. All the best on your business venture! How exciting!
@billbennet What is your planned business doing? I think appearance matters much less now than previously, competence and quality are what I care about. If someone turns up at my house to do some work with a Mullet, that's funny, but it has no bearing on the job they are doing. If they do good work, I will hire them again and recommend them to others.
@mixster90 I really appreciate your comment :) I’m going to be doing more trade related projects so I guess to an extent the sort of people that will be working with me will expect my stereotype. From my point of view I’d rather have my mullet and be genuine then get a haircut I don’t like and pretend to be someone I’m not. I wasn’t sure anyone would react with my post so I really appreciate your contribution!
@billbennet I have just been getting my house ready for sale so have had alot of different people visit to do various jobs and repairs. Mullet is fine, but what I wouldn't do is go on a long rant about political stuff that your customer might not agree with, it's basically a way to guarantee you won't get their business again. Just be polite and friendly and keep it light. No need for a deep dive into a random conspiracy about whatever
@billbennet Short answer yes.

Long answer it depends on the nature of the business and the clients you are trying to work with. Order generation on average will care more about appearances and if you are working business to business the expectation is to look more professional. Corporate and government clients will have dress expectations while sole traders and general public will be more flexible, within reason.
@billbennet Yes.

People will always judge you for your appearance. You don't have to look like Ryan Reynolds but being neat, tidy and smell good will take you far in life.

For specific job and field, look at those doing the same position as you and that is a start.

I would think twice about getting a Loan from the guy with Red mohawk and a swastika by the side of his head, as an extreme example.

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