Does Appearance Affect Your Wealth Building Potential?


New member
G’day guys, I (17 M) am starting a business and was wondering how my haircut would affect my potential client base. Although the business itself won’t be very professional I would like to appear as professional as I can to maintain an image and reputation for my business. I believe I have most of the components I need to start my business but as it is service based I want to gain the trust of as many possible customers as possible. It may seem silly but the majority of the capital I will contribute to the business was earned partly due to my mullet and the mindset I have when I have a mullet. Perhaps other people have a viewpoint from a different perspective e.g the clothes you wear.
If you don’t want to engage with this balderdash I completely understand and wish you well on your wealth building journey :)
@jewelforjesus Make sure you shower before work / don't stink, thats an even bigger thing. If you turn up at someones house or they enter your shop and you smell like old sweat, they not gonna want to be around you and your business for long.
@billbennet If you want people to take you seriously, you gotta look serious.

Unless you’re selling me coffee, fixing my bike or cutting my hair, I want you to look like an adult and be clean.
@billbennet It does make a difference for sure. When I was about 23 I had really long hair, like heavy-metal style. Finally decided to get it all cut off in one of those walk-in salons in a shopping mall. I remember being quite shocked at how different I was suddenly treated by strangers. Every shop I went into... the shop keeper would approach and ask if I needed anything rather than stare at me from behind the counter. People would smile and make eye contact etc. Really pissed me off at the time because I was the same person that I was 10mins prior, but was a good lesson.

I do personally find being tidy, polite, and having a sincere smile is more important than the haircut, but it does make a difference for sure.
@billbennet Being 17 will definitely affect how you come across to potential clients. What is the age bracket of your target market?

In terms of the mullet, probably not going to change things much.
@billbennet Depending on what you are doing age is likely not on your side. A mullet combined with your age probably won't get you the best result depending on your targe market.
@billbennet While I did well, I felt people didn't really take me super seriously till I was in my mid 20s. Especially in things like site meetings on construction sites.
@billbennet Despite all beauty on the inside philosophy we as humans are hard wired in a way to give some judgement to appearance. What is deemed good appearance is some what influenced by the media we consume and what we see everyday.

In some situations for example first impressions where there's a choice say you or either another business. Usually we as humans will be biased towards the norm.
@iferexo Thank you :) I have heard a lot about first impressions. The first time someone sees you, the first time you say something, and the first time you complete a job. All opportunities and perhaps I am sabotaging myself.

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