Does any French bank receive SWIFT transfers without taking any commissions?

@anushagupta I am from India and I send and received lots of SWIFT payments in large sums to banks in Europe.

I have never come across any banks that don't levy SWIFT fee (even companies having corporate account with turnover in 100's of millions) while sending or receiveing unless the person sending you money is ready to bear all the charges.

The person/company initiating swift has to fill field "71A Details of Charges" in SWIFT form, where he has 3 options

  1. "OUR": All charges on initiators account
  2. "SHA": Charges shared by both
  3. "BEN": 1. All charges on beneficiary's account
@anushagupta Wise doesn’t charge commissions to accept swift transfers. Just open a euro account. There might be a small fee to transfer to your French bank. Not sure.

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