Doctor office attached to hospital


New member
My insurance coverage for X-rays is very vague. My benefits page shows Radiology/X-ray Facility as no coverage, deductible applies.
But Radiology/x-ray facility- Freestanding Radiology is a co-pay of $150, Radiology/X-Ray Facility-Radiology Imaging Center is also a $150 co-pay.

My son broke his arm and we went to an orthopedic doctor. The orthopedic practice is located on the hospital campus, but is a separate office. Our insurance did not cover the X-ray, I got a bill for $315 and it all went to deductible. I would have preferred the $150 co-pay but it was unclear how it is decided what type of facility you have been to. After speaking to BCBS they seemed to think that Radiology/X-ray Facility refers to a hospital, while the other categories refer to a doctor’s office. We were definitely seen and x-rayed at the orthopedic dr office, the hospital has its own x-ray facilities and we never entered the hospital.

It seems that this doctor group has all its billing handled by the hospital so it appears as if the hospital handled the x-ray. I explained to hospital billing that by billing this way, they are making my insurance think we were seen at the hospital when that is not the case. This should have been billed as Freestanding Radiology, and if we had gone to a different ortho that is not affiliated with the hospital then it wouldn’t be an issue. However they are not able to do anything. Is this correct?
@nawiri Freestanding imaging means that's all they do- they just do imaging- no doctors- just techs that operate the imaging machines.

It doesn't matter if the doctor's office is a separate building than the hospital itself, if it's all connected, they charge as the hospital.
@nawiri That is correct. The provider bills his claims with place of service 22 -outpatient hospital. That's why they apply to deductible. He would need to bill with place of service 11 for office benefits to apply. This can be really confusing because patients don't realize until you get the bill. Ask the provider's office how they submit claims BEFORE your visit. Steer clear of hospital based physicians that bill with place of service 22.

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