Do I need multiple brokers?


New member

I used term4sale to shop for insurance. I was contacted by multiple brokers but have only spoken to one so far. Is there a need to speak to several brokers?
@anon77777 Up to you but the independent agents who get leads from term4sale (who also pay for Compulife which is the agent version of term4sale and also pay for the zip codes) are all going to quote you the same carriers.

I would get their info and look them up online. See how long they've been in the business, what their website looks like, check their LinkedIn, etc.

If they've been around for a while and present themselves well, engage them.

If not, look for another broker.

Some clients can become paralyzed when they have too much back and forth between competing agents.

I would pick one you're comfortable with and let them go to work for you.
@anon77777 I think it's worth the time to speak to more than one, especially if they are not referred to you. Most brokers/agents aren't all that great in my experience.
@justadog this is not a false statement but term policies don't require much knowledge, whereas permanent products require a bunch. I think OP is getting a term.
@4_his_glory True, I think the only area that requires some real analysis is the conversion clause. Some are more valuable than others depending of what is available to convert to.
@anon77777 For term insurance, I'd say speak with a couple and just go with whoever you like better.

Term insurance is pretty straight forward, a monkey could write a policy for you to be honest.

If you are getting a permanent life insurance policy (whole, IUL, GUL), you will want to be very critical of who you work with because I'd say about 90% of the policies I have audited are not written properly.

Term however, simple -- just decide who you want to give your hard earned dollars to.
@anon77777 If you want a 2nd opinion after speaking to term4sale agent, give me your age, State of residence, tell me what plan/amount and rate class you were quoted and I'll give you my recommendation. Lowest rate you see in term4sale is never likely the best value. I'd guess a lot of agents/brokers want an easy sale whether best for you or not. If agent shows you lowest rate and best value rate or rates, with excellent conversion option and living benefits, then you may have found a good agent and don't need 2nd opinion. Good luck!

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