Do I have to disclose pending driving charges when renewing insurance? (Toronto, Ontario)


New member
This is my situation:

In 2017, while I had my full G and was 22 years old, I got two tickets at once. One was for going 40km/h over the limit on the highway. The second ticket was because I changed lanes while going that speed and the cop said that because I was going 40km/h over it was an unsafe lane change.

Fast forward to June of this Summer, I rolled a stop sign and there was an undercover waiting by the corner. I still have not gone to court for it, and a date will not be set until after my insurance renews.

If I'm going to a new insurer, do I have to disclose that I have a pending charge/can they see I have one pending? The insurance broker we are using knows because my Dad told him and we're all on the same plan. He said I can only be insured by a high-risk insurance company which will triple my insurance to over $1,000/month and I really don't want to have to pay that if I don't have to.

Anybody have any insights/advice they can share?
@knicole97 High risk my ass. I think that guy is full of it, as a couple of non accident infractions shouldn’t put you in that category.

Find a different company if you can. $1000 a month is ridiculous and sounds like what it would cost for a guy with multiple DUI’s.
@knicole97 i suspect, if Canada is anything like america, if they run your reports and find it, they will surcharge you, if they run it and dont find it, or dont consider it then thats good for you.

i dont volunteer things that might cost me money. i assume they will do their due diligence and find whatever it is if they want too / can. if not, thats not my problem.

definitely break away from that agent and your fathers policies and find someone not biased against you.

hope that helps.

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