Do car insurance companies verify grades for good student discounts?


New member
So I told my parents I have a 4.0 gpa, but in reality I only have a 3.6, ik I still qualify for the insurance for good grades, but if I send a photoshop of me having a 4.0, would it still be considered insurance fraud if they were to find my real grade? I still would qualify for it so I was wondering.
@bixsgirl Yes. It’s the definition of insurance fraud. You’re not only misrepresenting a material fact, you’re fabricating evidence of this lie so you can receive a direct monetary benefit.
@bixsgirl Trust me when I say the insurance company isn’t going to care that you are submitting altered documents because mom and dad might take the T-Bird away. Don’t do it. Man up and tell your parents you’re not perfect and Cs get degrees. 3.6 is still a good GPA.
@bixsgirl Just send it directly to the insurance company yourself, don’t give it to your parents. Tell them you have a question question about what proof they need and ask for an email/phone number and the policy number. Tell insurance you just need to give them the proof of good grades, and they’ll give you a way to submit the document directly to them.

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