Diversifying to protect myself beyond the 10mJPY limit of deposit insurance

I’m not looking for advice...

It sure looks like you're asking for advice.

What do C-Suite people do with their 30m annual?

If you're maximizing your expected wealth, you fill up your tax advantaged accounts, and then you buy low-fee globally-diversified index funds forever. There's no secret asset class that they only tell you about when you get to 30M. To paraphrase Arnold Schwarzenegger, my life making 30M is the same as when I was making 29M.

You just use the tax-advantaged accounts, and if you're feeling fancy, you might name strategic use of a margin loan to defer capital gains. You do get more access to some illiquid assets like venture capital and art and stuff as you get richer, but these are ego indulgences; as asset classes, they don't outperform boring index funds.

The reason to diversify away from cash is not because of national insurance limits — it's because cash is terrible. It loses purchasing power year, governments want it to list purchasing power every year, they talk all the time about hope they want it to list purchasing power every year, and there are cheap accessible investments that, over the long term, consistently increase in purchasing power. The purpose of cash above and beyond a well-defined emergency fund is to buy equity. Everything else is being a slave to our stupid primate impulses that think hoarding the rotting fruit will pay off. Don't be a stupid monkey. Don't hoard rotting fruit. Buy the trees.
@halleluyah I leave it in different countries and bank accounts that are guaranteed by the government. Obviously I don’t choose places like China or Russia or even the US actually

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