Discussion : choosing 9 year loan despite high income??

@schnolhamor I own a business, my own salary is above+++ average. Last January 2023 I bought a new proton saga. 10% downpayment, 8 year term. Used it for 10 months then I paid full settlement and sold it. Bought a used Civic early 2024. 8 year term. Now recently purchased an EV priced around 200k+. 9 yr term. Some ppl would criticised me saying its not worth it paying these cars more than 5 years, but for me I want to pay the least amount possible monthly bcs i love investing in businesses. So i saved around 2000+ monthly by not taking a 5 year loan term. Weird statement but with those 2000+ I saved by not using it on car payments i can invest on other things which is rm24k invested a year on current/new business, stocks or cryptos which brings to rm120k investments made over 5 years. But in the end I will pay full settlement for my cars after 4-5 years made from the money i invested and I wont have to pay 9 year worth of interest! Dunno if its a better way to do it, but its my way of doing it.
@ralphalvarezz Yes i do take some loss on saga. I had to pay extra 2k to settle after selling bcs i settled too early.
But for my other cars when i sell later, after selling and full settlement I will probably get back my downpayment. That money will then be recycled to the next car purchase.

I consider cars as form of expenses for my own wants. I dont really need expensive cars, but I want them. A cost of lifestyle. So i dont see them as an asset. BUT, i am in the process of registering my civic as a rental car. So if all goes as planned then i will probably only need to pay 40-30% of my monthly payment. Which is a big win for me.

But my advice on your original post. I say its best for you to have cashflow than to focus on paying your car early. Having a short term payment means you have to pay more. Having even a few hundred of extra cash flow, in a few years you'll probably thank yourself when you want to add summore commitment. Since no one knows what the future holds. For eg love life, marriage,children, family or even your self, vacations, new toys, new hobbies etc. Make pros and cons for both. Paying more could mean you miss out on a lot of things bcs you dont have much wiggling room to spend on other things. And one day if you get richer then you have no problem, just settle early!
@schnolhamor Your friend wants the lowest hit monthly, but as you calculated, will be paying more in interest in the long run. It's not that he can't afford it, he can in this scenario. And let's assume he can afford the extra interest as well since that amount isn't much to some people. But is it the smartest financial decision from a pure numbers perspective? Probably not.
@schnolhamor there is never a situation where longer tenure is 'better' when it comes to buying a car for ppl who are stretching their budgets.

for ppl who know what they are doing and want cash flow/can make more money than the car loan rate, but that is very rare.
@schnolhamor if the repayment for the 5yr bothers you, means you are pushing it. buy a cheaper car. the 9 yr loan's interest is very high.

your friend didnt tell you the whole story, probably he doesnt have quota to get the 5 yr loan. so had to take 9 yr loan because die die want to buy that car.
@dongchau123 he said car is depreciating asset, no sense to rush to finish paying. Just drag the loan as long as possible to enjoy lowest monthly repayment.

I know he is rich enough he can buy the car (actually more than 100k) by cash easily, but still he chose to take 9 year loan.

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