Different investment options in Canada


New member
I’m soon moving to Canada, I’m a teenager from Argentina who’s so dedicated with his finances. I’d love to know some of the most known investment options that there are. I can search it in google but y’all know that’s better to have someone’s opinion. Thanks and sorry if I have any grammatical mistake, I’m still improving my English. Hope to be there soon!!
@samtheman The main ways to invest in Canada, not sure how it’s the same or different in Argentina, are things like Exchange Traded Funds, Guaranteed Investment Certificates, and mutual funds. You typically invest through a bank or through a credit union, but there are also lots of private firms such as IG Wealth Management or SunLife that you can use to manage your investments. Is that the kind of direction you were interested in?
@lisanna Oh that’s perfect, it’s exactly what I was searching for. Thank you very much and sorry if I have any grammatical mistake, I’m still improving my English 😬
@samtheman Best investment is realstate, last year alone because of covid went up 39% in one year. It’s a tough game though, multiple offers on every house goes on sell and people pay 50-150% over asking and sometimes they don’t even end up getting it.

Open a Wealthsimple account using mobile app and start contributing as much as you can. This way you can save up while you start your life.

If you are new to Canada, best option is to invest in your own education and skills this way you can make a good income, same goes for your fiancé it’s a long game but if you both work together you can make it. Welcome to Canada and best of luck!

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