Difference in $$ between "acute" and "maintenance" drug prescriptions.


New member
Has anyone had trouble with drug stores only giving them a 30 day supply of a long term drug for a chronic condition, despite the doctor prescribing a 3 month supply with 14 refills?

When I complain to the drug store they blame my insurance company. When I phone the insurance company they tell me the drug store is putting the claim in as an "acute" prescription which can only go for 30 days. I get the store clerk to phone the insurance company and voila! 90 days of pills.

But this happens 2 or 3 times a year for different meds - none of these drugs are for pain.

The only reason I can see for this is they must get more $$ per pill for "acute" prescriptions, and I have to pay the dispensing fee once a month instead of every 3 months.
@insureman23 Yes likely it’s because they want to make the dispensing fee every month - ask for 90 days, pay cash , get points and submit your receipts yourself or change drug stores

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