Deployment or commission, from a strictly financial pov


New member
-Am about to age out of commissioning. It’s one or the other

-NG member, 11 month deployment w tax advantages/hazard pay etc is 2x my civilian salary

-want to do 20 (or until my body gives out), currently on 6. In the long run, the O-side pay beats the quick hit of a deployment, but that doesn’t take into effect eg compounding.

-could live as an E, but kinda think it’s cooler as an O

-parents are old, every day feels much more “real” now than it did when they (and I) was younger. 11 months is a long time when your dad is 70
@gautier Commission. O- retirement is better in the long run. Spend time with your family as often as possible. One day the USAF will be done with you and replace you with someone else. Family is not so easily replaced.
@gautier O definitely. Why does it have to be one or the other? What branch are you in? I’m in the AF it can take more than a year from application submitted to actually attending OTS.
@gautier Also a prior E, now an O… for perspective: under the old high three system, retirement pay doubles from an O5 with 20 to an O6 with 30. That's the kind of money that allows you not to launch a second career unless you choose to do so. Good luck.
@gautier Did you do the points calculations? If you were AD I’d immediately say commission, but with points and the delayed retirement age…it might not be worth it. Especially if you cut expenses and go hard in the market with the pay.

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