
New member
in r/australia, such comments

a. I am not successful because my parents worked blue collar jobs

b. I cannot get ahead because my dad beat up my mum

c. I struggle with cost of living because I didnt get a fat inheritance

d. blah blah blah, we need socialism

in reality.
  1. many folks are self made (successful folks in r/AusFinance)
  2. tax payers funded education
  3. high average income (in OECD)
  4. generous govt support
  5. many successful folks migrating to AU with only 2 suitcases (even some from socialist states)
  6. no shortage of opportunities
Whilst its easy to blame everything on the world, perhaps its time to change defeatist attitude
@polygon My family roots are from the east Asian side, my grandfather and grandmother on my father's side fled the communist Chinese great leap forward to Hong Kong, and my mother's side came from China and fled to Taiwan, living under intense scrutiny of a dictatorship which was the KMT, and eventually culminated with them migrating to Australia to have me (I was born in Australia).

I have been to both China, Taiwan, India, Korea, Vietnam have friends there, and I have invested in some of these countries, but if I were to be born again, and were given a choice to bid my future net worth on getting to choose where I'd start, I'd bid a huge sum, probably more than 90%, to start here in Australia... Going overseas and understanding the struggles they face is a real eye-opener.

This place is truly fantastic in terms of opportunity and earnings power... if you show some modicum of hard work and mental capacity the world really becomes your oyster... I work 37.5 hours a week in an engineering job at a small company which earns double of someone working 50 hours a week in Taiwan at TSMC, or double someone working 80 hours a week at a Chinese national champion like Alibaba or Tencent, and while having much less competition than my peers in Taiwan or China. Of course this isn't reality for everyone and that's understandable, but even factory workers here can build a decent future if they work hard, and that is not so true in other countries. Naturally, entrepreneurs which can build something of real value will also be rewarded greatly here in Australia.

We really are a lucky country, and I think people don't appreciate how strong our labour laws and earnings power is comparative to elsewhere, life could be a lot worse. Long comment I know, but I don't think my opinion is really that shared in my generation, which really likes to complain.
@polygon It’s one of those situations where if you spent all that time and energy spent complaining on something useful you’d actually find that the world isn’t constantly singling you out and you can do it yourself. So often people can’t take the first step to sorting a problem themselves and go to the government first.
@polygon People compare their current situation to their peers in this country, their parents, and where they were five years ago. The post pandemic recovery is very K shaped, some people came out way better and some way worse. There's a giant gap forming.

Desperation and frustration breeds extremisms. Also, people who are doing fine, probably don't post as much.

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