Deemed disposal now applied to non EU i.e. US domiciled ETFS?

I just read that Revenue have updated policy to make the 41% exit tax and 8 year deemed disposal tax applicable to non EU domiciled ETFs.

I'm trying to find the official Revenue statement/document. Has anyone came across anything official confirming this?

Yet another illustration of how regressive the Irish goverment is. How very dare you attempt to build your wealth, back in your box.
@ojr How can they even enforce these ridiculous rules if you are in another country? Like if you emigrated for good there is little they can do
@pjv I don't think that's true.

Or at least not completely. If you move to another country and are fully tax compliant there you don't have a liability.

If you move and aren't then you do. If you pay tax somewhere your OK. If you inten to pay it nowhere then you're liable.
@whovianpastorswife13 Ya, that's wrong. Revenue removed a blanket statement they used have stating that all non-EU domiciled ETF's are treated as shares as it would have caused issues with UK based ones post-Brexit and replaced/updated the definition of equivalent and non-equivalent ETF's. Non-equivalent ETF's are still not subject to exit tax.
@pearlsamuel Appreciate we engaged on this before. Our firm recently discussed this with Big 4 firm on mutual client. Their understanding is this is US ETFs are moving to offshore fund treatment. Not arguing with your point as I think they’re very valid - but just wanted to call that out to you!

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