@soldireofjudah I would think long and hard about consolidating because that’s usually something your biggest loan debt debtor will suggest combined all your debt into one lower interest, lower amount sum of money, and they cut up your credit cards and sympathy. It could be worse than bankruptcy at yeah credit scores like shit but the reason they do that and they seem so nice, it’s because they want to get something out of the loans you out and this is the perfect way to do it because you’re scared that you’re not gonna pay anything so they at least do this to make sure that you pay them something without defaulting little bit about icing on the cake But it’s on your credit report. Taking out loans another step to pay higher interest loans and that I will take on extra shifts. I could be an answer right there but like if you do take a loan or whatever sign whatever be careful it’s not consolidation because consolidation firms will keep calling you even when you do like a quote or whatever because that’s what your business is like basically call you over and over and over and email you Again that could be an answer but I’m not like it like a tax analyst but I’ve been through bankruptcy loans everything so I learned a lot but people think they got off easy but that it’s kind of like well usually it’s people that have a full-time job there wow that love to do that man they love even more people they just pay the minimum payment because that’s how they make their money like you’re never gonna get ahead without putting something on their head They love that you’re perfect target especially if you have a reliable full-time job even better oh my God cuf you’re loan and a half? Oh my goodness can we get you some champagne how about some caviar and you know

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