@hope37 100% not. Use the money to buy some staples such as lentils, rice, or potatoes instead. If you wanted a McDonalds treat, go for it. But it’s not a “deal.”
@hope37 You could get a small bag of chicken nuggets, a bag of french fries, and a generic litre soda for a little bit above that price at the grocery store. Should stretch further. In my experience, abstaining from treats altogether makes me inevitably snap and blow money, so don't beat yourself up if you need a treat or two -- but you really will get more at the grocer in this case.
@lisamarielillypop Can’t remember how to do it exactly but I recall in high school there was a “hack” where you could put a plastic cola bottle on the freezer and when you take it out, open the lid a tiny bit and flip it upside down and make it a slushy.
@hope37 No. Of course it's not good value compared to cooking at home which is normal, but it's not even a good fast food restaurant deal. 8 pieces of McNugget isn't a large portion and fries should be dirt cheap.
@hope37 2lb of fries - 3.42

1lb beef - 4.97

8 pack of buns - 1.38

2 liter of coke - 1.96

Total 11.73

Obviously this is pricing local to me and without taxes or any toppings you may want but your looking at 4 full meals with leftover ingredients for other foods for ~3 dollars each.

Edit: I am just realizing that you didn't actually order a meal with a burger. Fast food is really expensive compared to meal prepping at home and in my case driving 12 minutes to the nearest store, ordering and driving back a few times a week is way more time consuming than shopping once a week and cranking out a bunch of food.
@hope37 If going the McD's route, the app is a must have. Things are much cheaper there and it's simple once you set it up. (you also earn free stuff - nothing dramatic but I have enough to get a free large frappe)

I see a 10 piece nugget, med fries, and med coke for $6 (6.66 with taxes). Not super super cheap, but you could order ANOTHER order of fries off the cheap menu and ANOTHER 4 nuggets on top, and still be about the same or less than what you paid.
@hope37 I 'd rather make myself home made chicken nuggets for 30 pieces for less than $5.00 in bulk using my own spices that I got from Walmart and Aldis. :)

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