[De/Ger] Need recommendation for Tax/Steuer software


New member
There are infinite number of software packages for tax declaration, but given no experience I have no idea which one is a good investment. Any recommendation from fellow redditors?

So far I have only been using elster, both online and offline version, but starting this year my situation will be a bit more complex for it.

I need it to handle both Anlage N and Anlage S with EÜR, Anlage Kind, Anlage K?, Umsatzsteuer (ok, this year I am Kleinunternehmer, but might need it soon).

The software needs to be regularly updated, offer tax tips, has solid userbase (online forums for questions), easy to use ...

@dianas86 WISO Steuer-Sparbuch 2015 is on sale right now for ~20€! More info here.

But I wouldn't recommend using any of these "consumer" tax assistants. If you have a business (which you do, if you have to to a EÜR), I would highly recommend getting a Steuerberater. It might cost a little more (should be a couple of hundred Euros if your still a Kleinunternehmer) but you will have less of a hassle with the Finanzamt and also you will save more money with them than doing it on your own... ;)
@giltrose Do this. A tax attorney/Steuerberater costs maybe 200 or 300 € (depends on how much he has to do. If you give him intake and expenses in an excel sheet and he doesn't has to do the booking/Buchungen it's reeeeally cheap) and you save a lot of time. You also don't have to take care of anything, except "sign here".

Also, as with insurance brokers (Versicherungsmakler) - they are liable for what they tell you. Never to underestimate this.
@resjudicata While I would generally agree with you, I'm not sure that in my case it would be financially wise to go to Steuerberater. I can do, and did, Anlage N and Kind successfully last two years. It's only S and EÜR I'm not sure about, and since I do freelancing on a very irregular part time basis, that 300€ spent on Steuerberater wouldn't save me anything.

If I can do it using some software that would make sure I do it technically correct, that would still be cheaper.
@resjudicata That was my initial thaught. I would have maybe 10 invoices as Einkommen and maybe 3-4 for Ausgaben. My fear is that I might file something improperly so that Finanzamt comes after me for wrongly claimed expenses.

I saw on the internet those EÜR reports with all those categories and numbers/codes, so I'm not sure if my free form declaration would be accepted. Also, not sure if I need to also send all my bills for income and expenses, or just a list.

That's why, except for the learning purpose, it would be cheaper for me to just forget about those 200€ expenses and report income only, and save few hundred € on accountant. I can't claim any of the big things for side job, like home office or equipment, and just want it simple and easy.

The problem is I don't have anyone to ask, and my German is still in need for improvement, although I can read on this topic. Everyone I know that is freelancing is doing that as a full time job, with Umsatzsteure and all that stuff, and not as an nebenberuflich Kleinunternehmer, so their case is different.
@dianas86 I do ;-)

Took a Steuerberater for 2013 (was overdue, tax attorney has time until 31.12., if you do it yourself you have until 31.05., I did unfortunately not have all data in time and it actually took me some months to get everything from former business partner) and plan on doing myself for 2014.

My advice: go to the person responsible for you, be polite and nice and ask how you should do it, if an Excel list is sufficient if attached to the form (with the form also filled) and if you need to send in all receipts and invoices.

If you need more help, go to a Steuerberater and explain your situation and that you would like some explanation how to fill these forms and are happy to pay for the lesson. Also: Even in private area, the tax attorbey can help save more than he costs, depending on what/how you do things.

Reminder: keep all paperwork stashed away for a Betriebsprüfung, keep every invoice nicely filed for 10+ years. A digital copy also does no harm.
@dianas86 Most of the bigger ones (Quicken, WISO, Tax, Lexware) should support what you need, but I'd really recommend what /@giltrose said and get a Steuerberater, you are pretty much guaranteed more money and way less time you have to spend on it if your situation is slightly complex (business owner…)

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