D&F insurance


New member
What is D&F insurance and how does it compare to standard property insurance? Would be helpful to understand pros/cons. Thank you!
@joshdapasta D&F stands for Dwelling Fire. It is essentially homeowners insurance for a home that you do not live in. Used for rental properties and vacant properties. Rental is determined by having a tenant. A tenant is anyone not on the title of the home living there. This includes family members as they are legally a tenant even if they aren't paying rent.

A DF will provide you with similar coverages as a home for the most part but there are some differences and can be dependent on the carrier.

Edit: there aren't really pros/cons either it's on an HO form or a DF form. The only place you would really see a difference is if you went with a commercial form policy to get general liability for your operations as a landlord

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