Currently owe 50k++ in consumer debt

@jay1082 Bro honestly this is a wake up call but I feel for you and it happens. The first part is you need to get right about your spending. You might need to sell things and live more modestly. If everything went back to 0 magically, you would still end up in this situation again if you don't have a budget that leads to you saving in excess. This means you no longer can afford expensive dinners, going out and alcohol. These are not in the equation for you unfortunately.

The 2nd part is your debt, people here say consolidate and I agree. Find a way to get this under 5% APR or things are going to get worse quickly.

Last is your income, you need to get it clear that for the next 2-5 years you are in hustle mode and you cannot afford to earn less than 5-7k. That means side income, consulting, driving grab, whoring yourself whatever it takes to 1) make more money and 2) develop skills and experience that can get you increments or the career that you want.

You need a mindset change and a commitment to 10 hours a day to resolving these things and making progress. Any of your friends who are working on projects or doing anything interesting, you make sure you're there and being helpful and earning a place in these projects.

I have hope that you can get through this. Keep us posted what you're up to. We're all rooting for you bro
@jay1082 The real question is how did you end up maxing out all the 5 cards knowing that your own income is only 3.7k a month. One card was enough two maybe max could be three at most but 5 cards….

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